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Old 04-23-2008, 01:14 PM
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Exclamation Your view on the Election.

I wanted to start by saying that this is the first time I have ever registered to vote. I am 26 years old and have never felt the urge to vote like I have this election. I felt that as long as I've been alive, I thought that America was running very well under Bill Clinton. So going off of this I voted for her. But I have to admit, I just might be leaning towards McCain. But no mater what, I will NOT vote for Obama. I wanted to get some opinions about the election from my fellow Fit Freakers. Good or bad, let them fly off your keyboard and say whats on your mind. - I Invented The Internet (Episode 1: The Audacity)
Old 04-23-2008, 01:31 PM
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I'm 23, black, well-educated, etc, blah blah blah.

That said, I don't really think any of the candidates are the right candidates. I wouldn't vote for McCain (more independent than democrat, but I haven't heard anything about what he plans on doing and how he plans to do it).

Neither Clinton nor Obama are gaining my respect (or vote) either. Obama, to me, talks like a pimp. Says everything you want to hear to get your vote (as all politicians do), but it's more irritating with so many people kissing his ass. He talks about change this and change that, but hasn't said a dayum thing about how he plans on going about this change. Clinton seems to be in a losing battle primarily because she's listening to the other idiots in her campaign tell her what to do instead of doing what's best for her. Women have the potential to be excellent leaders. She, again, to me, seems to be just becoming "one of the boys". I don't want a woman trying to be a man leading this country. I want a woman AS A WOMAN leading the country. The tactics she's using dont evoke feelings of "strong female leader" in me.

Again, this is just my take and I'm sure there are plenty of folks who'll disagree with me, which is fine, but I'm pretty set in how I view things so if you're going to argue with me, don't try to change my mind . K, /disclaimer.

I do respect others opinions and views though and would love to hear them
Old 04-23-2008, 01:35 PM
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^^^ Well put. I have to agree (for the most part). You are right about McCain not saying a hole lot about what his plans are. And I truly think Clinton should stop being the puppet everyone wants her to be.
Old 04-23-2008, 01:50 PM
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Damned if you do damned if you dont. I dont vote. Politics is no longer a service for the people. Its a service for certain sector of the people (big corporations, unions, the rich, etc.) These people say what they want you to hear to get into office. Once in office, buh bye promises. Want my vote? Fire everyone in Congress and start over. Last I checked if I did a piss poor job at work I get fired. Does that happen to government folks? Nope, they give themselves raises and nice retirement packages. Same goes for coporate executives. The company tanks, they walk away with millions. First candidate to mandate control over stuff like that gets my vote. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing articles about how so and so made $10billion dollars last year. What in the hell does ONE person need 10billion dollars for??!! Think about how many jobs in America that could support! Lets see 10 billion divided by say a modest 45K...thats 200,000 jobs folks. But nope, outsourced. Government is broken, no one has the balls to admit it or do something about it. Nuff said.

Last edited by FITrunner; 04-23-2008 at 03:39 PM. Reason: spelling
Old 04-23-2008, 01:52 PM
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I agree. We are f'ed as a nation for the next 4 years. (at least).

I honestly may not even vote. At this point I really don't care. There is NO good candidate, and it is almost imposable to vote for the "lesser of the evils" this time -they are all bad for the country.

I may be wrong, and hope that i am, but I don't see any one of the potential future presidents doing a damn thing worth talking about.
Old 04-23-2008, 02:43 PM
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Agree with what's said.

As FITrunner said, damned if you do, damned if you don't, but what I don't want to see is another Bush or "like-Bush" in office. So who exactly do you vote for? In, what, 2 years the house changes over to the Democratic side? Clinton and Obama need to stop the splitting of the Democratic party, put the whiny, high-school bs to the side and focus on the deeper issue: the entire world is practically going to hell and nobody's talking about it. I want a president who's going to look those homeless people who practically sleep on the White House lawn in their eyes and tell them:

you know what? Instead of sending work overseas for cheap, I'm going to help you get off the street, pay you minimum wage and you're going to turn around and stimulate the economy by doing the jobs Americans are too lazy to do. Why? Because you're hungry as hell, you need some place for you, your children and your dog to sleep and you were more than likely born right here in the good 'ol US of A. I'm also going to ask the government to help fund some sort of alternative fuel program because not only are the gas prices due to American dependency on foreign oil causing people to choose between groceries or getting to and from work that week, but also because there are a lot of folks, including senior citizens who live in rural areas of the snow belt that depend on fuel to heat their homes in the winter. And those folks just can't afford to pay for fuel. The market for home purchasing is low, the economy is in shambles, and we can't even help the Big 2.2 if we wanted because banks aren't even giving loans to people who qualify and a ridiculous amount of others are unemployed or being layed off, so they can't afford to purchase new cars. Meanwhile, their old rusty, gas-guzzling buckets aren't being counted in CAFE surveys among the worst automotive polluters, and the nation is extremely focused on hybrids, which don't do anything to actually address the issue of high-gas prices. They only prolong the time it takes you to spend the $100 per tank you'd spend if you had the petrol-burning equivalent of whatever it is you're driving. Hmm...maybe if people were working and could afford to purchase vehicles and the fuel to keep them moving, the domestic automakers might find an interest in building vehicles in the states again, instead of outsourcing parts, labor or even ENTIRE CARS from outside the country's borders.

Yep...I'm your president and that's what I'd do
Old 04-23-2008, 02:57 PM
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I personally get very sick of the whole democratic/republican thing. There should be no deom/repub wars anymore. The rules have changed over the years, and it is no longer cut and dry. There are several democrats now that would have been classified as a republican on ideals alone in the past. In my eyes the classification of candidates causes a convoluted opinion of what politics should be. There should be candidates, but that's it (period). It kills me when i talk to someone and they say "If there was a democrat in office things would be different", or "a republican would never go for such a thing". It is no longer a rule that a democrat or republican will govern any situation in any one way. There is a huge segregation between the two groups and there should not be. People should vote for the BEST candidate in their opinion for the job at hand, not just go for the one with a (D) or (R) in front of their name.

That being said I am happy to see the divided line between Clinton and Obama. It shows there is a difference. -just makes things look worse for the "democratic" party. I wouldn't trust any of them as far as I could throw them at this point.
Old 04-23-2008, 04:07 PM
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Hey RDS, where did you get that quote from? I like it!
Old 04-23-2008, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Mugen Mojo
Hey RDS, where did you get that quote from? I like it!
I made that up. lol. I just quoted it like it was one of the candidates hypothetically saying it to the homeless guy/gal.

I like yours though. I heart God, I heart my wife. That's awesome. I heart God and if I had a wife, I'd heart her too. lol
Old 04-23-2008, 04:12 PM
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I don't have any clue who I would be voting for this fall. I voted in the last election and lost by a landslide because enough of America was stupid enough to repeat a previous mistake.

I honestly don't feel like wasting my time, plus I moved and I'm not a registered voter in the state of CT as of yet.
Old 04-23-2008, 04:26 PM
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All of your concerns regarding the ucoming election have a simple solution. That solution can be found by asking yourself one important question. The question is, "Is it possible for God to create a rock so huge that even HE HIMSELF wouldn't know that Obama is a secret muslim?" (Thanks, Colbert )

And remember : Life's a B1tch... Don't vote for one.
Old 04-23-2008, 05:30 PM
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I'd take either of the three over Bush any day...then again I'm Canadian and have no impact regarding this matter haha
Old 04-23-2008, 05:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Illusive
I'd take either of the three over Bush any day...then again I'm Canadian and have no impact regarding this matter haha impacts you more than you think.
Old 04-23-2008, 05:36 PM's Avatar
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i dont like any of them, but did anyone catch the candidates on WWE?

"Do you smell what Barack is cookin?"
"What you gonna do when the McCain-iacs run wild on you"

So stupid lol
Old 04-24-2008, 04:29 AM
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A thought to ponder while you are making your choice.....

On one side, you have a bitch who is a lawyer, married to a lawyer, and a lawyer who is married to a bitch who is a lawyer.

On the other side, you have a true war hero married to a woman with huge tits who owns a beer distributorship.

Is there a contest here?
Old 04-24-2008, 08:25 AM
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Lib and let Lib

I personally am a Libertarian.
My party has no chance to win, but I still feel compelled to vote my convictions. I think it's the patriotic thing to do, even if you can't win.

Libertarians are for smaller (read: less wasteful) government, much lower taxes, and very little government intrusions into our private lives.

I want you to have the right to do any damn thing you want, so long as it doesn't interfere with my life. If you want to grow your own weed in your back yard, and smoke it while playing naked twister with your same-sex partner and three opposite-sex partners, I might not think it's a good idea, but I also don't think it is any of my business what the hell you are doing in private. And I sure don't want to pay policemen to come over and arrest you for doing it, just so I can also pay to prosecute and house and feed you while you're incarcerated, all for doing something that never affected my life at all. The police have enough to do, just enforcing laws that DO count. And the taxpayers have enough burden already, without supporting every lazy person who is perfectly able but unwilling to work.

Does any of this not make sense?

Please feel free to check out Official Website of the Libertarian National Committee for more information.

Best to all of you.
Old 04-24-2008, 10:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Steeldog
I personally am a Libertarian.
My party has no chance to win, but I still feel compelled to vote my convictions. I think it's the patriotic thing to do, even if you can't win.

Libertarians are for smaller (read: less wasteful) government, much lower taxes, and very little government intrusions into our private lives.

I want you to have the right to do any damn thing you want, so long as it doesn't interfere with my life. If you want to grow your own weed in your back yard, and smoke it while playing naked twister with your same-sex partner and three opposite-sex partners, I might not think it's a good idea, but I also don't think it is any of my business what the hell you are doing in private. And I sure don't want to pay policemen to come over and arrest you for doing it, just so I can also pay to prosecute and house and feed you while you're incarcerated, all for doing something that never affected my life at all. The police have enough to do, just enforcing laws that DO count. And the taxpayers have enough burden already, without supporting every lazy person who is perfectly able but unwilling to work.

Does any of this not make sense?

Please feel free to check out Official Website of the Libertarian National Committee for more information.

Best to all of you.
I don't drink and I don't smoke anymore (long time ago, btw), but from the research I've seen, there are more alcohol-related deaths than weed-related deaths. I've heard many sad stories of alcohol poisoning. I've NEVER heard a case of weed poisoning.

"Hey cuz, how you get to heaven?"
"I got shot in the chest. How you get to heaven?"
"Homie, I smoked too much weed..."
"Oh sh*t, cuz, people need to be careful. That weed can kill you."

In the immortal words of Sean Paul: "Legalize it/Time to recognize it. Just gimme the weed/and we be burnin' ya'll (burnin' ya'll)..."
Old 04-24-2008, 10:34 AM
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Claymore has a good point there. I don't like lawyers very much. It's easy to compare them to blood sucking leaches. Steeldog's opinion sounds just like my Dad. It's hard to bring up the subject around him because he won't leave it alone an hour. But you do have a point on how much money our government waste on housing "criminals" who did nothing wrong to anyone but somehow broke a pointless law.
Old 04-24-2008, 10:37 AM
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Originally Posted by FITrunner
Damned if you do damned if you dont. I dont vote. Politics is no longer a service for the people. Its a service for certain sector of the people (big corporations, unions, the rich, etc.) These people say what they want you to hear to get into office. Once in office, buh bye promises. Want my vote? Fire everyone in Congress and start over. Last I checked if I did a piss poor job at work I get fired. Does that happen to government folks? Nope, they give themselves raises and nice retirement packages. Same goes for coporate executives. The company tanks, they walk away with millions. First candidate to mandate control over stuff like that gets my vote. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing articles about how so and so made $10billion dollars last year. What in the hell does ONE person need 10billion dollars for??!! Think about how many jobs in America that could support! Lets see 10 billion divided by say a modest 45K...thats 200,000 jobs folks. But nope, outsourced. Government is broken, no one has the balls to admit it or do something about it. Nuff said.
i definitely agree. voting is nothing more than a charade to make people feel like they are making an immediate change in out society even though the people of the united states dont elect their own president. ever since i was 18 years old, i said to myself i would never vote unless the electoral college was abolished. the candidates are nothing more than a headpiece for a system of values put in place by larger corporations who fuel the fire of global instability by "cutting costs" and using unethical business practices.
Old 04-24-2008, 10:44 AM
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Originally Posted by kelsodeez
the candidates are nothing more than a headpiece for a system of values put in place by larger corporations who fuel the fire of global instability by "cutting costs" and using unethical business practices.
Amen Brother! But it takes five minutes of your day to go vote. I know it's going to be bad no matter the outcome. But at least I can go to sleep that night with the thought in my head that I "might" have made the right choice. I "might" have made the difference. The next day I find out that I didn't. Well at least I made an effort.

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