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Old 12-16-2007, 08:49 PM
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Ron Paul Revolution!

The mass donation day is incredible! I donated already. Who else is taking part in the REVOLUTION?!

Ron Paul 2008 — Hope for America - Q4 Donation Statistics & Stuff

Almost at 5M!

For those of you who don't know DR. PAUL

YouTube - Ron Paul: A New Hope 2.0
Old 12-16-2007, 11:42 PM
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+1 for ron paul if you vote for anyone else your insane. its time that ppl start voting for candidates and not partys. look into this dude he is the future of america if we let him otherwise taxes get higher and they get more and more controll of you untill were all slaves. do i sound crazy? read the patriot act.

oh and dont be lazy take some time open your mind and watch.
Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007
Old 12-17-2007, 12:08 AM
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The guy is a wacko
Old 12-17-2007, 12:13 AM
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Originally Posted by claymore
The guy is a wacko
It appears your brain has been sucked by the corporate paid media...

Trust me, there is nothing "wacko" about him. His only agenda is the constitution. Do you like the bill of rights? Do you enjoy your personal liberty? Would you enjoy keeping 1/4th of your paycheck?

Do some reading.
Old 12-17-2007, 01:51 AM
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Originally Posted by redhatchbox
It appears your brain has been sucked by the corporate paid media...

Trust me, there is nothing "wacko" about him. His only agenda is the constitution. Do you like the bill of rights? Do you enjoy your personal liberty? Would you enjoy keeping 1/4th of your paycheck?

Do some reading.
+1 as long as mommy and daddy keep feeding your their warped conservative scared views on polotics ppl will act like this. here is food for thaught. income tax is unconstitutional and illegal i bet you didnt know that did you tough guy.
Old 12-17-2007, 09:42 AM
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Just because mommy and daddy are still supporting you.... Ha I wish I have been supporting myself since 1967.... granson.... Yea right income tax is illegal.... that's one of his wacko ideas. Income tax has been tested and the wackos that say it is illegal all LOST and most of them are major tax dogers and are doing their time. Anyway go ahead and throw away your vote he has been polling in the 3-4 % range. I guess you didn't know that SOFT Kid.

Last edited by claymore; 12-17-2007 at 09:45 AM.
Old 12-17-2007, 11:14 AM
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Originally Posted by claymore
The guy is a wacko

He has some good ideas but a lot are just bizarre
Old 12-17-2007, 11:45 AM
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Originally Posted by claymore
Just because mommy and daddy are still supporting you.... Ha I wish I have been supporting myself since 1967.... granson.... Yea right income tax is illegal.... that's one of his wacko ideas. Income tax has been tested and the wackos that say it is illegal all LOST and most of them are major tax dogers and are doing their time. Anyway go ahead and throw away your vote he has been polling in the 3-4 % range. I guess you didn't know that SOFT Kid.
In 1913, the United States Secretary of State, Philander Knox, commited fraud when he declared the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution had been legally ratified. It was never legally ratified, with evidence to prove it. In 1913, there were 38 States in the Union. There is no legal documentation that the majority of the 38 States ratified the 16th Amendment in the exact wording submitted to the States by U.S. Secretary of State Philander Knox. Some States did not even bother to respond to the 16th Amendment proposal, according to Robert Schultz, and former IRS Agent Joseph Banister, who have researched the controversial tax issue, along with Constitutional scholars and legal organizations throughout the nation. Under the federal law as written, only foreigners working in the U.S., or U.S. citizens working abroad, are legally required to pay federal income taxes. And employers are not required to withhold federal income taxes.
When taxpayers sign their tax returns, he or she voluntarily waives his or her 5th Amendment right not to be a witness against him or herself.

read your constitution and some history pops and i was paying my moms rent when i was 17 so kiss muh booooootay. this is such the wrong forum for this but i wont be one uped by ignorance.
Old 12-17-2007, 02:38 PM
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Despite the fact that Ron Paul has raised more money in the fourth quarter than all other Republican candidates, and possibly Democrats as well.... Despite the fact that Ron Paul has larger attendance at his campaign rallies than any other Republican candidate... Despite the fact that Ron Paul has received more support and donations from veterans and active military personnel than any other presidential candidate of either party... Despite that fact that Ron Paul has literally 16 times more unpaid grassroots volunteers around the country (through than any other candidate .. The mainstream media still call him a "longshot" candidate and an "underdog". The mainstream media still want people to believe that Giuliani, Romney, and Huckabee are the "frontrunners", all because of the extremely inaccurate "national polls" that are almost always proven wrong on primary election day.
Since when does a "longshot", "bottom tier", "underdog" candidate raise $6.4 million in a single day from nearly 60,000 individual donors or $20 million in a single quarter from over 120,000 individuals donors!!? I would really like to know!

Finally, here's an article that speaks the truth, but I can guarantee that you won't hear this on TV....


Ron Paul is now the GOP frontrunner Larry Fester
Published 12/17/2007 - 1:09 p.m. EST

Analysis- GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul raised 6 million dollars yesterday breaking Jim Kerry’s record of 5.7 million. Ron Paul has now raised more money in a single day than any other presidential candidate in history, and this is before he has even won a single primary.

Counting the 6 million from yesterday Ron Paul has raised 18.2 million dollars in this quarter from over 120,000 donors. Put in perspective media darling Mike Huckabee’s struggling campaign has raised only 1.2 million dollars this month. Paul’s campaign if it hits 20 million by New Year’s Eve has a shot at raising more cash than Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama as well in the fourth quarter.

Yesterday’s ‘Tea Party’ was orchestrated by grassroots organizers not connected with Paul’s campaign. The event commemorated the Boston Tea Party and at the same time was a protest of the Federal Reserve’s inflation tax. Organizers are planning similar events each month leading up until the general election.

While Ron Paul’s opponents are going broke, Paul is just starting to gain momentum and shows no signs of slowing down. Ron Paul’s issue orientated campaign promoting the theme of peace, freedom, and prosperity, is winning.

Ron Paul has emerged the Republican frontrunner despite media censorship. Media outlets that state otherwise are not being honest. The idea that a media generated polls should somehow be more important than grassroots fund raising generated by thousands of donations is absurd.

Ron Paul’s campaign should demand equal time on all networks or simply advertise elsewhere.

Last edited by redhatchbox; 12-17-2007 at 02:40 PM.
Old 12-17-2007, 02:41 PM
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Originally Posted by claymore
Just because mommy and daddy are still supporting you.... Ha I wish I have been supporting myself since 1967.... granson.... Yea right income tax is illegal.... that's one of his wacko ideas. Income tax has been tested and the wackos that say it is illegal all LOST and most of them are major tax dogers and are doing their time. Anyway go ahead and throw away your vote he has been polling in the 3-4 % range. I guess you didn't know that SOFT Kid.

You have been lied to, Grandpa.
Old 12-17-2007, 02:47 PM
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I wish I could raise a following of people that never question anything I say and will blindly follow me...............then I would run as a 'underdog' presidential candidate to endear myself to them more.

sorry for feeding the trolls, I had to.
Old 12-17-2007, 02:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Darkcambria
I wish I could raise a following of people that never question anything I say and will blindly follow me...............then I would run as a 'underdog' presidential candidate to endear myself to them more.

sorry for feeding the trolls, I had to.
that shouldnt be to hard to do all you have to do is have a brother thats the govenor of a state rig the ellection and a father who was president also. whats that you say. operation desert storm in the middle east was headed by george bush.... and then peace... and then george w. in office and the first thing we do is.........oh right back to the middle east. sounds good me its good they dont have any special interest in the oil industry right. cuz then they might be up to no good . and its deffinatly a good thing that the war on terror is being faught cuz im glad we went to iraq to find osama. err oh wait whos that again. no one remembers that guy that supposedely was behind 9/11 we went after the wepons of mass distruction instead. oh wait whats that you say. there wernt any weapons of mass destruction. really? nooooo. but wait there is more. we took over their country. and THEY HAD THE NERV TO FIGHT BACK. how dare they... its a good thing thousands of our troops enlisted in the army to go fight terrorism and now just ocupie a country that actually had nothing at all to do with 9/11 im glad you guys arnt blind to the facts.
Old 12-17-2007, 02:58 PM
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ron paul is also a gynochologist wich makes him the man lol
Old 12-17-2007, 03:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Darkcambria
I wish I could raise a following of people that never question anything I say and will blindly follow me...............then I would run as a 'underdog' presidential candidate to endear myself to them more.

sorry for feeding the trolls, I had to.

Blindly follow? RP supporters not only support Ron Paul, but his agenda of Liberty and Peace.. the People and the Constitution...

Blind people don't read the constitution. Ron Paul supporters DO.

If you don't want the Constitution and the Bill of Rights anymore... then by all means, exercise your right to vote... and vote for a neo-con.
Old 12-17-2007, 07:54 PM
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The fact that I am wasting 1 min, on this loser is absurd. GET YOUR POLITICAL BS OUT OF HERE.

THE 4 R's. Radical, Rightwing, Religious, Rednecks are ruining our country.

Yeah 8 years of Bush has been great. Most of the world loved us after 911. Now the world hates us, Great job. WMD's another great job, lets invade Iraq and kill Saddam becuase my daddy didn't , How bout fuel....HMMMM $3.50 a gallon, oh ya,...The Texas President has nothing to do with that. Stem cell research... ahhh... God wont approve. Well he's our God too.. Lets put our head in the sand, some more.

Yeah lets give these rich Texas guys more time in office... so they can finish the job. The Job of making our once great country a third world, fenced in, poluted oil rig.


Last edited by coldstorage5; 12-17-2007 at 08:01 PM.
Old 12-17-2007, 09:57 PM
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You guys are so passionate about politics, its awesome to see it.

Anyways, I like the fact that Ron Paul is a doctor, has published real scholarly work in scientific journals and what not. Shows more than we're used to seeing with the Bush's and Clinton's these past few years. When is the last time we had someone with scholarly work to back up his views?

But he's pretty radical wanting to get rid of Medicare, Medicaid and give the money back to the people. Doing so creates a free market for health care in the US. *chime in your guys "do you want your bill of rights? the constitution? stuff* thats where he's going with it.

I don't really like that idea though. I'm more for socialized medicine like France, England, and Japan. Those are the countries at the top of WHO's best health care. I don't really know where he stands on other issues, but he does actually has stands on actual issues unlike many of the other candidates. I've been researching candidates just based on their stands on health care and though Ron Paul's ideas are pretty interesting, Kucinich's stand on health care matches what I think is best much better. Too bad he doesn't even show up on the election radar.

Oh and BTW, stop using Bush as an example. His time is coming to an end, its not a comparison between candidates if you're brining up Bush, he's not running. All this blah blah, about oil, WMD, Iraq, thats all Bush. Theres no point in bringing it up, lets focus on the candidates if you're gonna talk about the election.
Old 12-17-2007, 10:32 PM
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Can Ron Paul supporters at least make some signs that are nicer than permanent maker on old cardboard. That is all that I ask. Other than that, vote for whoever you want, that is the beauty of this country!!
Old 12-18-2007, 03:23 AM
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Originally Posted by s0x
In 1913, the United States Secretary of State, Philander Knox, commited fraud when he declared the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution had been legally ratified. It was never legally ratified, with evidence to prove it. In 1913, there were 38 States in the Union. There is no legal documentation that the majority of the 38 States ratified the 16th Amendment in the exact wording submitted to the States by U.S. Secretary of State Philander Knox. Some States did not even bother to respond to the 16th Amendment proposal, according to Robert Schultz, and former IRS Agent Joseph Banister, who have researched the controversial tax issue, along with Constitutional scholars and legal organizations throughout the nation. Under the federal law as written, only foreigners working in the U.S., or U.S. citizens working abroad, are legally required to pay federal income taxes. And employers are not required to withhold federal income taxes.
When taxpayers sign their tax returns, he or she voluntarily waives his or her 5th Amendment right not to be a witness against him or herself.

read your constitution and some history pops and i was paying my moms rent when i was 17 so kiss muh booooootay. this is such the wrong forum for this but i wont be one uped by ignorance.

Wow you have paid your moms rent for a year or so youngster KMA wow that makes you a constitutional expert???

And your candidate still polls in the 1-2 % area+/- like everything there is always that FRINGE 1 % that goes along with the wacko ideas just like when he ran as a libertarian and lost then and is going to poll less than 1% when he loses in this national election.

Your chosen example of the tax code just goes to show how ignorant of FACTS you really are. If secretary Knox committed fraud why wasn't he ever indicted, arrested and brought to trial for fraud????? The fact is he wasn't because he never committed fraud and income tax is legal and it has been tested in court. If it's illegal why does your candidate Paul still pay his???? And do you believe your position sooo much that you refuse to pay and send your IRS forms in with your protest "I'm NOT PAYING BECAUSE RON PAUL SAID THIS IS ILLEGAL" Go ahead I dare you if you are sure of your theory.

Last edited by claymore; 12-18-2007 at 03:32 AM.
Old 12-18-2007, 03:31 AM
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Originally Posted by claymore
Wow you have paid your moms rent for a year or so youngster KMA wow that makes you a constitutional expert???

Your chosen example of the tax code just goes to show how ignorant of FACTS you really are. If secretary Knox committed fraud why wasn't he ever indicted, arrested and brought to trial for fraud????? The fact is he wasn't because he never committed fraud and income tax is legal and it has been tested in court. If it's illegal why does your candidate Paul still pay his???? And do you believe your position sooo much that you refuse to pay and send your IRS forms in with your protest "I'm NOT PAYING BECAUSE RON PAUL SAID THIS IS ILLEGAL" Go ahead I dare you if you are sure of your theory.
no it doesnt make me a constitutional expert but it was in responce to your 1 up about how you suport yourself as an adult and so u must be more intelegent than i am. and my chose example shows nothing of the sort you moron if you honestly believe that in the history of the united states government that strings werent pulled to make things happen even if it was illegal your an ignorant fool. the government and washington are the biggest criminals in america and ya i pay my income taxes for a few reasons. 1. i have no choice there is no box that i get to check when i get a job that keeps my employer from keeping them. and 2 because i enjoy the remaining civil libertys i have. also no were did i say ron paul said anything about income tax being illegal so maybe you should at least keep your insults in context.
Old 12-18-2007, 03:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Illmatic07
Can Ron Paul supporters at least make some signs that are nicer than permanent maker on old cardboard. That is all that I ask. Other than that, vote for whoever you want, that is the beauty of this country!!
hehe guerilla tactics it doesnt matter how you get the word out as long as it gets out. and i must agree with abc i would also like to see some kind of standardized/universal healthcare.

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