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OMG!!! I'm a Blaze Orange Fit Owner!! 5/22

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Old 05-22-2006, 05:03 PM
Mazee's Avatar
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OMG!!! I'm a Blaze Orange Fit Owner!! 5/22

I went to the dealership just to look and drool at the new Blaze Orange they got in today; it was promised to someone else, and besides, it's a MT.

Well, the woman it was for decided she "just couldn't live with the color"--wth?? It's beautiful!!!!!!!!!

So, the dealer said they would let me have it since I had been so persistent, AND they would even give me lessons on driving a five-speed! EEEK!!! I had to think about that for a few minutes, but I went ahead and snapped it up, knowing there were four or five people in front of me in line (though I think they all wanted AT's also).

Had my first lesson today - skeery, but I think tomorrow should go a lot better since I got the worst over today.

But how long will it be before it feels really comfortable driving that puppy? I'd better get rid of my other car right away so I'll be forced to drive my Fit and get used to that MT. Anyone have any opinions about how long it will take a 50-ish year old woman to get it down pat, where it's like second nature to drive a stick?

Other than a bit fear and trepidation, I'm mostly feeling EXCITED!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Mazee; 05-22-2006 at 11:49 PM.
Old 05-22-2006, 05:13 PM
SheepNutz's Avatar
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Learning to drive a stick will be a great experience for you. It can really come in handy. It took me about a month to get used to my first stick (a 93 civic). You'll really enjoy your Fit!
Old 05-22-2006, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Mazee
But how long will it be before it feels really comfortable driving that puppy? Anyone have any opinions about how long it will take a 50-ish year old woman to get it down pat, where it's like second nature to drive a stick?
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Second, it will depend on how much practice you get. Take your time with it. Practice driving around a mall, or some such parking lot, after hours. Park in a spot. Back out. Pull in. Back out.

Practice starting it without using the gas pedal, you'll have to learn to be very careful with the clutch.

After you get the hang of that, try starting out in 2nd gear, using the clutch and gas together. Work your way up through the gears. Believe it or not, you car start out in 5th gear, if you can feather the clutch just right.

Just get used to using the clutch - that way you don't panic yourself in a tight traffic situation and mess up your new paint job!!!

It will take a while, given your age (just being honest...)

I can teach a teenager to drive one comfortably in about a week. The older we get the more difficult it is to learn new habits. I have a friend in her 30's and she had pretty much mastered it within a month.

Again, it depends on how much practice you get with it. Like you stated, if it is the only car you have, it kind of forces you to deal with it. Once you do, you'll enjoy the heck out of it!!!

I got an AT this time because of gear ratios, and city driving, plus I've had MT vehicles for the past 30 years, and still have two others!

'07 Fit Sport, red, AT, 155 miles
Old 05-22-2006, 05:24 PM
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Thanks, David and Sheepnutz (lol, great screenname) for your input.

I'm planning to practice a lot, but I think I'll also see if I can find any instructions online to read before tomorrow. Might help a little to reinforce what I learned today before I forget it!

After all, the memory is the first to go! ;- )
Old 05-22-2006, 05:41 PM
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Congrats Mazee, and welcome to the Blaze Orange club. Learning the MT shouldn't take long and it will be like breathing. I initially wanted the MT, but then decided on the AT/paddles at the last minute. From what I've been reading, you have one of the nicest MTs made.

The people here have given some excellent tips, just remember not to ride the clutch, or rest your foot on the clutch pedal while your driving, this habit will mess up your clutch. I remember this because this message is still ringing in my ear after having it screamed at me about a hundred times.

Last edited by Karyn; 05-22-2006 at 05:44 PM.
Old 05-22-2006, 05:43 PM
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Congrats, great color! Don't let those drivers behind you make you nervous. Use the hand brake to keep from rolling backwards on hills and you will do fine, of course you will, your driving a FIT!
Old 05-22-2006, 05:48 PM
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Hi, Karyn! I was hoping to hear from you!

There's just something about blondes and that blaze orange; it just looks good with our complexions!!

Yeah, that clutch is a bear, plus for some reason I'm having a problem getting to third gear! I kept finding fifth instead!

I would have far preferred an AT, but they were saying it could be as long as 60 days before I could get one and I just couldn't stand the thought! Not to mention that the a/c in my chevy just went out and hot-natured me MUST have it!!

But I have hopes than approximately one month from now I'll be really pumped at having learned a new skill, and will feel comfortable enough to take a little road trip to my brother's to show off my new ride!
Old 05-22-2006, 05:49 PM
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Hi, bobbied; thanks for the tip!
Old 05-22-2006, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by bobbied
Congrats, great color! Don't let those drivers behind you make you nervous. Use the hand brake to keep from rolling backwards on hills and you will do fine, of course you will, your driving a FIT!
This technique is actually required as part of my local driver's road test, for both the restricted/limited license (Class 7 New Driver) as well as the full license (Class 5). Damn these multiple examinations.

Now since you're driving a MT, you might actually need that dead pedal now.
Old 05-22-2006, 06:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Mazee
Yeah, that clutch is a bear, plus for some reason I'm having a problem getting to third gear! I kept finding fifth instead!

Play around with the shift lever some. You'll find that Honda MT's if you put it in neutral, and let go of it, it will spring itself to a position between 3rd and 4th. Just relax it in your hand and it will go there, then just push it straight up into 3rd.

One thing I've noticed with others, relax the shift lever in your hand, you don't have to force it, just let it glide into the gear.

Hope that helps!!

Old 05-22-2006, 06:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Mazee
Hi, Karyn! I was hoping to hear from you!

There's just something about blondes and that blaze orange; it just looks good with our complexions!!

Yeah, that clutch is a bear, plus for some reason I'm having a problem getting to third gear! I kept finding fifth instead!

I would have far preferred an AT, but they were saying it could be as long as 60 days before I could get one and I just couldn't stand the thought! Not to mention that the a/c in my chevy just went out and hot-natured me MUST have it!!

But I have hopes than approximately one month from now I'll be really pumped at having learned a new skill, and will feel comfortable enough to take a little road trip to my brother's to show off my new ride!
You should drive a MT at least once in your life. It was a hard decision for me because the MT in the Fit felt so very nice. You'll love it once you get the hang of it. I drove a Toyota truck we had for a number of years and really developed a strong preference for the MT, but the paddles were too fun to resist in the Fit. If my only choice was the regular auto in the Fit with no paddles, there is now way I would have chosen it over the MT. I still miss the MT. We might have to buy both versions .
Old 05-22-2006, 06:25 PM
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Congrats - MT will become second nature to you..

But it may take a little bit. It's great that the dealer will give you lessons. I have a hard time driving AT's now (for real!)
Getting the feel of the clutch is the tricky part. As others have said, practice some in a parking lot first. Don't worry - you'll love it once you get the hang of it. I'm still waiting for my MT order - they're guessing October at this point due to the low volume of MT fits being made, so I'm really jealous!!!!
Old 05-22-2006, 06:35 PM
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Old 05-22-2006, 08:08 PM
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Just like someone had mentioned, it will depend on how much time you'll put in practice. You'll have a lot of fun with the MT once you get the hang of it, guaranteed!
Old 05-22-2006, 09:29 PM
big Fit's Avatar
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I usually let the student shift while I drive. When they have done that for a while. I put them behind the wheel to drive in a place they can do no harm Thats it... I would say You could be on your own in one week to one day. Really. I learned on a motercycle to use a clutch then went straight to a car with out any help. You are your own worst enemy. I can tell that from reading your thread you will be an exceptional learner and do fine. I have a tip of advise -keep the radio off so you can hear the motor which will be hard to hear anyway.

Last edited by big Fit; 05-22-2006 at 09:32 PM.
Old 05-22-2006, 11:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Mazee
I went to the dealership just to look and drool at the new Blaze Orange they got in today; it was promised to someone else, and besides, it's a MT.

Well, the woman it was for decided she "just couldn't live with the color"--wth?? It's beautiful!!!!!!!!!

So, the dealer said they would let me have it since I had been so persistant, AND they would even give me lessons on driving a five-speed! EEEK!!! I had to think about that for a few minutes, but I went ahead and snapped it up, knowing there were four or five people in front of me in line (though I think they all wanted AT's also).

Had my first lesson today - skeery, but I think tomorrow should go a lot better since I got the worst over today.

But how long will it be before it feels really comfortable driving that puppy? I'd better get rid of my other car right away so I'll be forced to drive my Fit and get used to that MT. Anyone have any opinions about how long it will take a 50-ish year old woman to get it down pat, where it's like second nature to drive a stick?

Other than a bit fear and trepidation, I'm mostly feeling EXCITED!!!!!!!!!
You'll LOVE the STICK once you get used to it.

Congrats !!!
Old 05-22-2006, 11:46 PM
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Thanks, everyone, I sure needed that encouragement and advice (and that laugh, crimsona)! My best friend, who I hang out with on Monday nights, didn't understand at ALL, and thought I should have waited for an automatic, even calling me "impatient."

Well, maybe so, but sheesh, thanks for the support, girlfriend!! lol

Karyn, thanks for the links; going to read the material now, just before bed. My next lesson is tomorrow morning.

Edited to spell Crimsona's screen name right! *blushes* Crimsickle is really a person, but I know her from a fan forum.

Last edited by Mazee; 05-23-2006 at 01:19 AM.
Old 05-23-2006, 12:19 AM
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If there's one thing you need when learning to drive a manual, it's "patiencne".

1st gear and Reverse are always the hardest, therefore, needs to be taken slowly. The rest of the gears are easy casue you're already in motion. Here's my simple tutorial that nearly fool proof (no pun intended):

-at a complete stop (of course), make sure you're in neutral and press the clutch. For a beginner, you're better off pressing the clutch completely rather than at the "sweet" spot.
-while the clutch is being pressed, go to 1st gear (or Reverse if you're backing up).
-slowly add some pressure to the gas pedal, but only until you can hear the engine rev slightly. Hold the gas pedal at that spot. If you can't hear the engine rev, just look at your RPM tach (about 500rpms is all you'll need)
-slowly release the clutch and the car will slowly start to move, but only at the speed at which you're holding with your gas pedal (hence the "hold")....of which should be equivilant to an AT rolling on 'D' without any gas. Once in motion and your clutch is completely released, you can then slowly add more pressure on the gas pedal and your off!
Old 05-23-2006, 12:26 AM
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Thanks, Bukwheat!! I do rather dread learning reverse, since it does sound the hardest and we didn't even get that far today!

And, my gf didn't mean I have no patience to learn this new skill, just that I should have had the patience to wait for an AT so I didn't have to learn it. Guess she has no faith in my intelligence (or maybe coordination? lol, didn't ask).

Her 23-year old daughter and 19 year old son, however, were stoked and begged me to teach them once I've got it mastered! LOL

ETA: Ooops, had to spell your screen name right! Oh, and Bukwheat, what do you mean by the "sweet spot?"
Old 05-23-2006, 12:28 AM
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congratulations man

Quick Reply: OMG!!! I'm a Blaze Orange Fit Owner!! 5/22

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