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So ****in Pissed, Hit and Run Asshole!

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Old 04-25-2009, 09:26 PM
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Originally Posted by secondspassed
"I don't hate mexicans, just the ones that live around me, as they have given me the REASON to hate them. I am friendly to everyone until they give me a reason to act otherwise. I am venting my frustration about my third world neighborhood..."

This is exactly my point. You label it a "MEXICAN" neighborhood when you really mean it's poor and full of crime. You seem like when you think about it you know their ethnicity has nothing to do with why you hate them, but whenever you pull out that label to throw at them it's IGNORANT (durr) and RACIST.

Think of an upper class neighborhood with no crime that's full of mexicans and you'll start to get what the hell I'm getting at... do you think such a thing exists????
No, its DEMOGRAPHICS, seriously. And I have never seen an upper class all Mexican Neighborhood, that's like an Oxymoron. If I lived in WATTS and called it predominately BLACK neighborhood, would I be a racist for pointing out the obvious? BTW, my current GF is the FIRST white girl I have dated in my entire life, I am so racist...
Old 04-25-2009, 09:27 PM
pixiedixie862's Avatar
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Sorry about the car... but yeah don't label the neighborhood bad because of mexicans please... just doesn't sound so good.
Old 04-25-2009, 09:38 PM
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that sucks :/
Old 04-25-2009, 09:41 PM
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I'm not saying the whole neighborhood is bad because of mexicans, just the dumbasses who ADMIT or have been caught. If you lived in an all white neighborhood and your next door neighbor was a KKK grand wizard, and openly hated you and pissed on your house, tried to light your car and house on fire, throw rocks at your windows, you could say I hate KKK members and not be a racist. You guys are excessively sensitve and lack a sense of perspective for the continuing degredation of my immediate surrounding and community. If it were your home and car and your MONEY, you would probably be heated too.

Its like Chris Rock said, if a woman is dressed like a HO, shes probably a HO! If a guy is standing on the corner in a Police Officer outfit, and you get robbed, and he doesn't help, and says, I'm not a cop, well, you are wearing the uniform. So when a chick says I'm not a HO, well, you sure are wearing the uniform...

Its not a stereotype if it is consistently reinforced on a REGULAR basis, then it is just fact. If they didn't give a consistent schedule of reinforcement for the stereotype, then it would be a stereotype.
Old 04-25-2009, 09:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Texas Coyote
I moved into an up scale gated community , so I would feel comfortable owning a Harley. I had lived in the Barrio of Dallas and the Ghetto area of Oak Cliff Texas. Now I live in the sticks and my car gets trashed on parking lots by white trash red necks when I have to go to town .... Accept it, America is just full of scum.
My last neighbors were Texan White Trash Transplants into an upscale community on the top of the hills in the same city, and they were as bad as my current neighbors, except they didn't vandalize stuff. They were just loud, obnoxious, pissing off everyone in the neighborhood, letting their dogs shit everywhere, putting nails in peoples tires that they didn't like, trying to fight people who had liberal viewpoints(NorCal is pretty liberal). Some people are just caustic, and every race has their fair share of Idiots. They were so Egocentric they thought everything in the world revolved around them. They actually got banned from the community from pissing off so many people. Looked like White Trash 50+ year old barbie with leather&plastic implants. Scarry shit.
Old 04-25-2009, 09:54 PM
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Sorry guys but I have to agree. I grew up in West Palm Beach/Miami/Ft. Lauderdale areas throughout, and I agree, but it's not racism. Think about this, do you honestly expect the same respect and treatment that you get from your fellow Americans from people who, in majority, are just in our country to make money, not pay taxes, and send it home?

All the same, I've had a few mexican friends who were genius tuners and excellent mechanics so you really shouldn't generalize...sorry to hear about the damages, I live in a upper class part of Columbus that actually costs less to live in because of reduced insurance rates. Location DOES make that big of a difference. Consider moving.
Old 04-26-2009, 04:18 AM
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We know different groups of people are in poverty in different places for various reasons mostly out of their control. And then the (usually) white people who don't like this or that which goes along with poverty (crime, carelessness, etc..) and use the minority's race as a label. Black neighborhood here, Mexican neighborhood there, and on and on, the point is when you get mad at people you're not supposed to pick out something like their race and use it to hate them with. I know it's easy to do, it's one of those base animal tendencies that civilized people learn to understand and stop doing whenever possible.

EDIT: Look, you can make your point over and over that it's not racist to point out that Mexican people are the bane of your existence in your neighborhood, but the fact that you respond with things that make you sound more racist (using the word BEANER when for all you know I could be Mexican... not very nice. Incidentally, I'm white) speaks for itself. To look at *demographics* and use them to make judgements on a race of people with total ignorance to their history is the behavior of an impoverished intellect. You sound like a guy Herbert Matare who wrote this book called "Conscientious Evolution" about how only genetically superior individuals (and races) should be allowed to reproduce. His interpretation of demographics falls right in line with yours.

Last edited by secondspassed; 04-26-2009 at 04:33 AM.
Old 04-26-2009, 05:56 AM
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I used it on purpose, that Mexican is not racist term, and if you would prefer to be racist, use a real term. I could care less if you were mexican, philipino, black, whatever, you could be a chihuahua for all I care. You must be really bored, honestly, to start shit in the first place. I look at what people have in common. For example, I came to FITFREAK, to meet like-minded people who enjoy modifying their honda fits. You, instead of reading about a hit and run, and link how pissed it would make you if you were in the other person's condition/perspective, try to instigate further shit.

Demographics, Census, Averages, Crime Rates, are all mathematical or scientific, and math and science are racist as well. Obviously your mom didn't pay enough attention to you as a child or something, and it made you extra-sensitive. Your asanine statement was trying to fuel a fire, where I am already in an agitated state, which is rude in itself. Nit picking by identifying my derilict neighbors is more important to you, and to try to start shit on someone's bad day. Obviously, you have never had the next door neighbors from hell. I bet you would love your neighbors if they use the side of your house for a urinal. With the economy getting worse and worse, crime will go up. A camera setup is a sound investment. My old single camera system caught 2 attempts to steal my old rims, some tire slashing punks that hit 80 cars across a city, vandals, a flasher who was exposing themselves to school kids, some kids that stole a golf kart from the high school.

Nobody has pride in their community anymore, and with the economy going down people will steal more, and negative people will vandalize stuff. If you can help minimise crime in your neighborhood by a simple investment, why wouldn't you? Who ever was like, "man, I need to help make my neighborhood more shitty, let's just break shit and tag it, or steal it." If people want to be destructive they should accept responsibility for their actions. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. I have busted my ass for everything I own. Always have worked more than full time, usually 60/hrs week. I earned 3 degrees, my college was paid off as I took it. I have worked too hard for too long to have people **** with my shit. Just like you. You just like to be an ass, and try to use a weak alusion to be an elitist prick. Try to have any good input on anyone's threads dude, instead of trying to start shit. I wouldn't kick you in the nuts after someone jacks your tricycle.
Old 04-26-2009, 10:40 AM
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I'm with Shaggs, hes not really being racist... as far as i can tell hes pissed at his Mexican neighbors who constantly show 0 regard for anything. he has not said all mexicans are like this, just his neighborhood. and quite honestly his mexican neighbors are falling into the stereotype. if ethnic groups are really angry about being stereotyped, how about this, STOP ACTING LIKE THE STEREOTYPE! now i know its not all members of an ethnic group that set the tone, but if a lot of them do act in a certain way then people are going to hate. If a ton of white people suddenly started causing havoc in ANY of your neighborhoods i know you would all be like god damn white assholes they think cause their white they can get away with everything... blah blah blah. lets face it, there are morons of every color who make their race look bad...
Old 04-26-2009, 12:23 PM
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Shaggs good luck with the situation.
Old 04-26-2009, 01:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Firebat666
I'm with Shaggs, hes not really being racist... as far as i can tell hes pissed at his Mexican neighbors who constantly show 0 regard for anything. he has not said all mexicans are like this, just his neighborhood. and quite honestly his mexican neighbors are falling into the stereotype. if ethnic groups are really angry about being stereotyped, how about this, STOP ACTING LIKE THE STEREOTYPE! now i know its not all members of an ethnic group that set the tone, but if a lot of them do act in a certain way then people are going to hate. If a ton of white people suddenly started causing havoc in ANY of your neighborhoods i know you would all be like god damn white assholes they think cause their white they can get away with everything... blah blah blah. lets face it, there are morons of every color who make their race look bad...


Shaggs...sorry for your problems there. Sounds like you have a good plan for combating some of the issues, ie. the camera survellience etc. I'd suggest moving too if at all possible, but I understand the whole loss of value thing, as I work in real estate. You're in a tough spot. Good luck with it and hang in there.
Old 04-26-2009, 02:28 PM
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It was a great investment when we first moved to the street. My sister bought a home, and I lived in the granny unit. It went up 100k in a year, borrowed money outta it to buy the biggest lot in the neighborhood, same house down the street on the corner with "more protected" parking area. Both houses have separate granny units that are good rentals, as they have full bath, kitchen, and laundry. The price difference for the granny units was cheap at the time but are now valued at 60K each value added to my home, not to mention it pays about 1/3 of my mortgage. Most homes are now being forclosed on the street, or you have 20 people per house because everyone is going broke.

I would love to move somewhere I could have rural acreage for my dogs and a dirtbike track, and a small house with a HUGE garage/shop/storage building. That way I could be fully off the grid and have low utility consumption and be self-sustaining off wind and solar. I am living 100% off my savings right now that I built up over the last 2 years of not spending anything til I got the fit, which I could have bought cash, and I was going to buy a new dirtbike(cash) this march til I got laid off.

It sucks to work so much for so long and have 2+ hours commute daily in addition to 60+ hours/week, to come home and have to fix stuff other lil $hitheads broke for their amusement. It took a lot of reserve to not beat the shit outta the kids when I saw them lighting a fire next to my accord, or when they threw a seat cushion they lit on fire onto the GAS main on my house. I'm not gonna let my shit burn to the ground, but I am also not going to jail for beating shithead kids senseless, as their parents should be doing for being delinquents. I'm hella tired of the drug busts, shootings, thefts. One night I had people over and we drank into the wee hours of the morning, and a mexican dude walks in through my front door(which is rarely unlocked, but people had come and gone from the get-together) and only after he realized, oh shit, these people really are up at 2AM he ran like hell down the street and I chased him for a block, any farther than that, you dunno if he has his "familia backup." It's just sad to watch a good neighborhood go so far south so fast.

I can only imagine how bad Detroit is right now...

BTW-accordguy, honda's get stolen like a mofo in the bay. My accord has 3 seperate starter/fuel pump kill systems in addition to the OEM immobilizer, backup batteries/power source for alarms, and 140dB piezzo sirens in all the HVAC vents, and my old stereo would turn the stereo to full blast if the door opened and faceplate didn't go on in under 20 seconds, and you REALLY don't wanna be in that car when the alarms are going off, your chest hurts, your head hurts, and EVERYONE knows you are breakin into the shit. Other than that, you normally meet some of the nicest most down to earth people in the bay, but chances are, they are stoned off some really strong shit, as its NorCal

Last edited by Shaggs2Dope; 04-26-2009 at 02:34 PM.
Old 04-26-2009, 03:32 PM
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I apologize for bringing up the subject when your feelings are agitated. I must really be the insensitive one. Didn't mean to turn on the DOUCHEBAG button. **** off with your expensive repairs and all. Good luck.

Last edited by secondspassed; 04-26-2009 at 03:36 PM.
Old 04-26-2009, 05:53 PM
Sid 6.7's Avatar
Why so serious?
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Although we are all empathetic to the loss of property you have incurred, this forum has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to racial slurs.

You have the right to be angry. You have the right to express your feelings and anger at the injustice of having your property damaged or destroyed.

But no one has the right to come onto this forum and insult any group of people based on their race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

Regardless of how you may preface the insult, no matter what the circumstances are, you simply are not allowed to post racial threats or racial slurs on this forum. Period.

Again, we are all sorry that your property has been damaged. We don't wish that on anybody. In the future, leave race/ethnicity out of the equation.

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