a random ??
They operate by way of an electric motor that causes two windshield wiper arms to move back and forth across the windshield. Each windshield wiper arm has attached thereon a single-bladed rubber apparatus that displaces all things from the front of the windshield whatsoever the motor's load capacity can handle, especially water and windshield washer fluid.
because the windshield is huge and that big blade get most of the driver side plus alittle bit of the passenger side clean. The little one just finishes the job for the passenger side.
all and all its because the windshield is huge.
all and all its because the windshield is huge.
Ditto to the above. The winshield is very large and there is a little extra slot on one side of the car to support the longer blade. They are just like too massive strips of rubber however they work great. I came home in a rain storm last night and they really make a difference - no smears or missed spots.
Cat :x
Cat :x
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