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Old 12-10-2007, 01:15 AM
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- No Sun/Moon Roof
- Didn't come with floor mats
- No Dead petal
Old 12-10-2007, 03:01 AM
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Personal compendium of complaints BIG and small...

some of these are easy fixes, some not so much, and some are just going to take some getting used to
my last car R.I.P (sniffles sniffles) was an 01 Civic coupe A/T, and before that was an 86 Civic sedan
A/T. The car that I am speaking of is a NHBP sport M/T Fit. And I am sill in recovery from a major accident in my Civic my sternum is broken and my back is fouled up. So that could be a contributor to some of the complaints. I also found this thread to be hysterical and a good read!!!
OOOH boy here goes...

-no temp gauge AAAARRRRGGGG!
-no dead pedal I hate playing footsies CUMMMMON!
-mpg is only ok, my 01 Civic coupe A/T (R.I.P) got just as good as well as my 86 Civic sedan A/T
-Tach is tiny and shoved into the left corner like its being punished That's just cruel!
-radio display illuminates the northern hemisphere, If I dim it I can see the gauges!
-general visibility is only ok damn Sequoia's and Redwoods for A and C pillars! cant see traffic lights to my left and right front 3/4 view and some things in my rear 3/4
-rear seat belts block rear side windows, like the whole world needs to see that I have belts back there!
-body panels fitment is only ok, are the robots using the FORCE or something!
-swirls in paint looks like a damn FRESNEL LENS! Dealership hacked that one, the car looked like it was on the loosing side of a war before they washed it...that story gets even funnier...
-A big CLUNK sound when slowing down sometimes (gas tank maybe? maybe a little kid running into the back of me, I must slow down more gently so they see me!)
-gas sloshing round, like my car is drunk at a party, scares the pants off my passengers!
-1st to 2nd shift sometimes feels like a bucking donkey (better when warmed up I think)1st gear is like an child with A.D.D and 2nd is the child after Ritalin,
-I'm scared of the armada of airbags, suffering still from a broken sternum from my last cars airbag
-doesn't feel peppy for a manual, my 01 Civic coupe A/T felt like it hauled ass (ok not really but still)
-rearview mirror is flimsy and distorts things a bit, and has a tiny bit of color fringing like I have a hang over or something, found a way to fix it a bit though
-volume knob does too much, I want to make a quick change to a setting and then turn up sound....NOPE! Either I have to wait a few seconds or put my finger into semi-automatic firing mode to switch through all the settings before I can just change the volume!
-sound quality, I cant even hear the subtleties (mid ranges?) and the bass has no soul it just hits you quickly over the head with a blunt object, whereas the tweeters are clear and it gets plenty loud!
-steering wheel makes me do the two handed gimp shuffle from underneath, cant seem to do the one handed wipe/swirl. LET ME DO MY WAX ON TECHNIQUE damn anti Mr. Miyagi !!!
-NO KEY HOLES!!! just the damn one in the drivers side. Its not an F1 car there is no wind resistance or savings to be had honestly ppl.
-rear wiper wipes a hole smaller than I do in the bathroom
-car beeps at me like when you step on a dogs tail if A: you take you seat belt of one millisecond before you stop or B: you use the e-brake for more than 1/4 second while driving, what the hell is my right arm supposed to do when I need some excitement (we are talking while driving here folks)
-Idle is pretty smooth for 3-8 seconds at a time then a tiny little vibration comes in like my car ate at taco bell, I had to drive my 01 Civic for 5 years before it was even a tiny bit lumpy at idle... poopy!
-rear light bulb housing (water clear part) looks like it was a design faux pas looks like an inverted zit, why did they make the bulbs look like someone just stuck them on from the outside?
-No map lights, Never thought I needed them but I cant see the entire front of my car at night when I’m looking for stuff, its a damn abyss. And the blue radio light is like a damn solar eclipse if I try to block it with my hand.
-Side view mirrors are tooooo close as if they are curious, BACK OFF I SAY! I need the space, ever heard of the personal bubble!!!
-plastic rear cover on tailgate just above the license plate is more loose and flexible than my 8 year old pair of boxers.
-this cars RPM’s scream as if I’m the most anticlimactic land rocket ever made, why so high, I was going 80mph and my TRANNY WAS DOING A TRIP AROUND THE SUN!!!
-exhaust tip looks like someone’s horribly flaccid unit! Or a dangling unused baby elephant trunk.
-rear bumper looks sloppy when viewed from the side, you can see the ground beneath and behind it, like a loose fitting piece of underwear, the JDM one has a tight lil butt!
-6th gear dammit! its like a hamster on crack with a thimble for a wheel!!! Down boy down!!
-sport model is just a tiny bit diff than the base no huge performance diff
-accessories cost more than the prosthesis that you will need to cover the arm and leg you used to buy em!
-no standard cargo cover, everyone can see my junk (I’m talking about my car still)
-rear middle seatbelt bump in ceiling looks like a small alien space craft trying to board when I am looking through my rear view
-gas cap can be opened by anyone anytime, no key? no release inside the car, c’mon gas prices are not going down and I’m getting paranoid! I want that forkin thing to be like a safety deposit box.
-109hp? 105tq? It weighs as much as my 01 Civic coupe and it had 115 and 109 tq And it was an ULEV the fit is only a LEV!!! What!!! I slappa you engineers with my flaccid tailpipe!!
-I step on those plastic floor mat clips because there is soooo little room in the front foot wells, why not use metal ones like in the past? Not that I don’t appreciate cheap plastic breakable expensive useless things. ahhhhem computers...
-I have this odd feeling like the car does not want to go above 3,500 RPM’s my 01 Civic would scream to 6k and love it! and ask for more, and say “GIVE IT TO ME” !
-my head rest slides up when I turn around to reverse, IT LOOKS LIKE A FRIGGIN MAGIC TRICK!
I think my shoulder accidentally does it.
-e-brake tray is 3 sided, give my the 4th side so I can put these things called “COINS” IN IT!!! Or gee
I dunno give us coin tray you metallic circle haters!
-I feel like I am sitting in the nose bleed section of a crappy concert, and the roof is even higher!!! Lower the seat I’m sitting like rectilinear to everything around me.
-the intermittent setting of the front wipers got their cue from first and second gear! Off , slightly less OFF with cameo appearances and then bad acid trip ON!
-speed bumps hit with the authority of a sonic boom on space shuttle re-entry. not bad at a higher speed though
-gallops and bucks on some roads at certain speeds, JUST TRY AND PICK YOUR NOSE WITHOUT GETTING A FRONTAL LOBOTOMY!!!
-Since the roof is soooo high I get inclement weather inside my car from the sun that can make it in from directly perpendicular to my longitude and latitude.
-no mirror in passenger visor and no light in either, I would forgive if I had map lights, but NOOOO! I have to instead dial my gauge lights up so that my radio illuminates my head like I am RADIOACTIVE!
-Don’t need my gauges permanently lit, Its so nice that they care, sooo sweet, but if they really cared about light I would have map lights and mirror lights. OOOH NO IM NOT LETTING THAT GO!!!
-I can feel that the car doesn’t have rear indie suspension cause it squats and acts squirrelly all the time.
-less electronic stuff, my car turns like I’m in TRON! Some play/realism in the steering and throttle would be nice. I love TRON! JUST NOT ON THE 405 WHEN IT IS FINNALY OPEN!!!
-Turn signal indicators on dash are located below the hemisphere that I live in as well as the head light “ON” indicator lights, wow that’s just great my gauges are always lit so I don’t know if my lights are on because I cant see the indicators BRILLIANT!
-I have to practically do a power slide or fantastic ass drag to turn off my indicators after a turn, I guess I could just use my hand to turn them off BUT ITS THE PRINCIPAL DAMMIT!
-My new car smell is going away!!! pooooo!!! It makes me smile
-I can hold more gas than the Fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-transmission hump in rear passenger area! Its like Honda teased us with all that BEAUTIFUL space then went HAAA FOOLED YOU!
-Reverse is like I am playing “FROGGER” or Russian roulette with the gas and clutch, cut me some slack here, why so hesitant and jerky then too much ooomph!
-the car is sooooo sluggish when its cold ( I live in socal so all things relative) 90 yr olds in retirement homes have more gusto when they wake up with no coffee!!!
-rear windows when open past 40mph try to assassinate all living creatures in the car by subjecting them to the vacuum of deep space!
-A dedicated MPG gauge! shouldn’t all cars have them by now? I want to know how much money I am putting into the hands of sleazy anti environmentalists. (wait, do such people exist...nahhh..)
-visor is about as useful as ones telekinetic attempts to move the sun!!!
-60/40 would be better as 40/60, as the long mode isn’t very useful with the tiny sliver of a seat down on the right side. Sure if I wanted to put a 7’ long hour glass in that would be GENIUS! Hmmm... I actually have access to a 7’ tall hour glass, I will try it and let you all know if you can fit one too!!!
-rear seats hold you in as well as any concrete floor and brick wall would, don’t know why people have issues, its not like you ever turn to the left or right in a car.
-High priced and I was only able to talk down to MSRP (15,270) why you ask, well I think its obvious as my car was the only NHBP that looked like desert beige and ash. Which made it extremely rare in the eyes of the dealer.
-seat placement and wheel placement is such that I might have to take up break dancing in order to train my knee to twist more to the left and right when operating the clutch, as it looks like I am giving birth to the steering wheel. (I’m about 6’2”) Its kinda like a classic mini cooper (ahhh my dream car, warm and fuzzy inside)
-do not need TPMS, and don’t want it. Install a black box while your at it, and what about a TEMP GAUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
-don’t need the oil percentage gauge, I am already paranoid, I don’t need to know that along with what color terrorist alert it happens to be today!
-why no rear disc, this I just don’t get It cant be more expensive than drums...they have robots using the force making these things
-steering wheel looks a bit cheap, the new Civic one looks nice and its small, seems like it should be in the fit. (did notice that the new fit will have this though) wonder if it can be swapped??? HMMMMM?????
-When I say I own/have a Fit people get confused
-I wish it was a little bit smaller, the JDM one looked a bit cleaner/tighter with less overhangs

Don’t hate me people, I am a bit obsessive and compulsive and have much more negative things to say about all the other cars I checked out and have owned in the past (and I wasn’t in those cars for very long either). I love this damn car it ROCKS!!! Soooooooooooo incredibly sorry for the length but it gave me something to do today as I was stuck at home as my chest and back hurt to much to go out again.
Old 12-10-2007, 03:05 AM
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I didint know it was thaaaat long, Im really sorry, um free popcorn to anyone who reads it. LOL! Maybe someone as injured as me will have the time to read it.
Im not gunna get banned for something that long will I? Im new to this whole deal!
Old 12-10-2007, 03:19 AM
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whoa that is insanely long! I dont think you will get banned for it just being long but if u could please cliff note it, im sure everyone will appreciate it
Old 12-10-2007, 08:51 AM
kenchan's Avatar
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wow...that might take a while to read...
Old 12-10-2007, 01:23 PM
pip_rocks's Avatar
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i expect to see a post TWICE as long about what you like about the fit, then
Old 12-10-2007, 02:07 PM
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Thats BY FAR the longest list of complaits for a car ive EVER seen for any car on any forum lol....Do you even like it?
In fact thats one of the longest post ive seen on! You get an award for that lol.


Last edited by TOOL; 12-10-2007 at 06:33 PM.
Old 12-10-2007, 02:23 PM
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That is a long list. I do agree about the massive A and C pillars and the rear drums (honestly how can it still be cheaper than solid discs). And I don't care for the limp dick muffler either.

The lack of a locking gas cap i don't see as an issue since the fuel feeder pipe is so damn long because of the tank being in the middle of the car.
Old 12-10-2007, 04:00 PM
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you're on some good drugs arn't ya,,,sorry to hear you're hurthing,,,,hope things get better for ya,,,,,,,,
Old 12-10-2007, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Snap Fit

...I am a bit obsessive and compulsive...
Understatement of the year! LOL Wow! Made for an entertaining read, though.

Sorry to hear about your chest/back pains.


Last edited by ghibli99; 12-10-2007 at 05:01 PM.
Old 12-10-2007, 05:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Snap Fit
I didint know it was thaaaat long, Im really sorry, um free popcorn to anyone who reads it. LOL! Maybe someone as injured as me will have the time to read it.
Im not gunna get banned for something that long will I? Im new to this whole deal!

jesus, i'd be able to buy cliff notes at a book store for that post...
Old 12-11-2007, 08:41 PM
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i suppose another item that could've been better was if the
tach was in the center. mine's a MT and as you all MT
drivers know what im talking about, we pretty much
drive looking at the tach and sound of the motor to know

im sure once im more familiar with the car i probably wont
look at the tach all that much.
Old 12-11-2007, 11:41 PM
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That's one of my few gripes, too. The tach is USELESS located where it is. Bad enough that it's small, but putting it on the left side of a LHD car just hides it behind your steering hand when you're shifting. Which is the only time you really NEED the tach. At first I thought this was a function of how the car was intended to be used... more emphasis on the fuel gage than the tach, but how often do you EVER need to look at the fuel gage? I think the tach is probably just fine on a RHD car, and they just kept one gage cluster for all the cars. I can't say I've seen a JDM/RHD dash though, so maybe I'm wrong. I'd love to get a couple spare dashes and see what it would take to swap the tach and gas gage side to side. That would be better, but still not as good as having the tach in the middle where it belongs.
Old 12-12-2007, 02:53 AM
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Bleh, in car like the Fit most people shift by ear and feel anyway. I don't know anyone who has to look at the tach everytime they shift for normal driving.
Old 12-12-2007, 08:34 AM
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Originally Posted by storm88000
Bleh, in car like the Fit most people shift by ear and feel anyway. I don't know anyone who has to look at the tach everytime they shift for normal driving.
guess you dont understand...

im not looking at the tach to know when to shift. im looking at the
rpm at the selected gears at cruising speeds to see whether im under
reving or not... at least until i get use to the gear ratio's. remember,
my other cars are 6MT's and much more power.
Old 12-12-2007, 01:02 PM
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torsoin beam rear suspension.

did i say drive-by-wire yet? oh, ok. yeah i really hate drive-by-wire.
Old 12-12-2007, 01:28 PM
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Rear Hatch Lock

The rear hatch can only be unlocked electronically, at least on the Sport.
Old 12-13-2007, 03:53 AM
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Originally Posted by kenchan
guess you dont understand...

im not looking at the tach to know when to shift. im looking at the
rpm at the selected gears at cruising speeds to see whether im under
reving or not... at least until i get use to the gear ratio's. remember,
my other cars are 6MT's and much more power.

No, I do understand. I bet 90% of MT Fit drivers shift by instinct in most cases. Honda knows this, and thats why the put the tachometer where it is.
Old 12-13-2007, 04:44 AM
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Originally Posted by storm88000
Bleh, in car like the Fit most people shift by ear and feel anyway. I don't know anyone who has to look at the tach everytime they shift for normal driving.
this guy is right on the money
Old 12-13-2007, 07:57 AM
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You can't shift by ear until you know what the engine sounds like at various RPM's. Coming from big V8's with broad torque curves and 4 gears, you can't just plunk down in a Fit and hope to keep the engine in it's sweet spot. The smaller the sweet spot is, the more important the tach is until you do get a "feel" for the engine, unless you rely on the rev limiter to work as a shift light.

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