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Throttle controllers, yea!

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Old 03-20-2008, 05:01 AM
Chikubi's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Slimjimx701x
Hmm, It seems that the Pivots 3 drive is a better design than the Blitz model. However from the looks of the pdf file on the Pivots site, there isn't a harness for the Honda Fit, at least for our models.

I'll be awaiting more info
You'd be right, there is no confirmed harness for the Fit at the moment, though one of the current ones may work just fine. Just have to wait and see. These go on sale sometime in April, so I'll start seeing info then if anyone gets one to fit.
Old 03-20-2008, 05:11 AM
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Ok, things are picking up now -- Blitz just released info on their controller, here's the link: BLITZ POWER SITE / THROTTLE CONTROLLER

Haven't read the copy yet, just a quick skim, but function-wise it seems about the same as the Pivot, but without quite as many steps of adjustment (1 Eco mode, and 3 Sports). Whether that's good or bad remains to be seen, though a quick look on the app chart shows a Fit harness in the works. Price is ~$380 harness included, so definitely a step up in investment for one. Also, notice the demo vid on the HP. Not stunningly interesting, but it does show the installation towards the end. Pretty simple it seems.

Once I get some free time I'll read the page in detail and post here what it says.
Old 03-20-2008, 07:46 AM
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wow, the price isn't bad neither! I can't wait!!!
Old 03-20-2008, 11:03 AM
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Just a quick firefox translater

THROTTLE CONTROLLER ・特徴 Feature      * 車種別完全専用設計。 Specifically designed for completely different car models. コネクターオンのワンタッチ装着なので、配線作業や取り付けの手間がかかりません。 KONEKUTAON seated in the touch of a button, wiring and installation work takes effort. (一部車種除く) (Except for some car models) * 専用ハーネス18種類。 Only 18 types of harness. 電子制御スロットルを採用する国産乗用車、80車型以上に対応する豊富なラインナップ。 Adopt electronic throttle control domestic cars, 80 more than the corresponding type car lineup rich. * 走りを選べるECO/SP1/SP2/SP3の4モード設定。 ECO/SP1/SP2/SP3 four-run mode settings to choose from. 専用表示機にモードが表示され、コントローラーで自在にモードを選択可能。 Dedicated to the mode indicator appears, a universal controller mode selection. 様々なシチュエーションに対応します。 Situation various supports. * セーフティー機能搭載。 Equipped with safety features. エンジン始動後、必ずON/OFFスイッチでONにしなければ作動 しません。 After starting the engine, always ON / OFF switch must work ON. エンジンOFFで本体動作は必ずノーマル復帰します。 OFF engine works in the body should be returned to normal. 本人以外の本商品に不慣れな方が運転しても安心です。 The principal product of a non-virgin driving even more reassuring. * 簡単ノーマル復帰。 Easily return to normal. 万が一の場合でもスイッチ一つで手軽にノーマルに戻せます。 But if one should ever switch easily戻せますto normal. リレーにて完全にノーマルに復帰する安心設計です。 Relay at full design relieved to return to normal.


THROTTLE CONTROLLER? 近年の自動車に採用されることが多くなっている「電子制御スロットルバルブ」は、アクセルペダルの踏み具合 (アクセル開度)を、従来からの「ワイヤー式スロットルバルブ」のように機械的に制御するのではなく、電気 信号として管理し電気的に制御する最新技術の一つです。 Recently adopted by the automobile often has been "electronic throttle control valve" is a stamp of how the accelerator pedal (Axel gap), from the traditional "wire throttle-valve" as a mechanical control , rather than electrical signals as to manage the electrical control one of the latest technology. これにより電子式ならではの緻密な制御を可能とし、燃費向上を狙った発進特性へ変化させるなど、最新の自動 車へ多くの恩恵をもたらせています。 This unique electronic control allows precise, aimed at improving fuel efficiency characteristics starting to make changes, such as the latest car to many of the benefits and salted cod. しかしその反面、発進時のもたつきやアクセルレスポンスの低下といった感覚を招く事もあり、「思い通りにク ルマが動かない!」と感じる事も多いのが現状です。 But then again, during takeoff and Axel MOTATSUKI response would lead to a sense of deterioration, "the car does not move to help!" Many feel that the current state of things. ブリッツ・スロットルコントローラーは、この「電子制御スロットルバルブ」の出力電圧特性を、独自の4つの プログラムへ変化させることで、アクセルレスポンスをコントロールすることができるレスポンスアップアイテ ムです。 Blitz throttle controller is the "electronic throttle control valve" output voltage characteristics of the four programs unique to mutate in response to the accelerator can be RESUPONSUAPPUAITEMU control. 取り付けはとても簡単なコネクター・オン設計。 On mounting connector is a very simple design. 多くの車両の場合、アクセルペダル周辺に存在する「スロットルポジションセンサー」のコネクターの間に専用 ハーネスを割り込ませるだけで取り付けはOK。 Many vehicles, the accelerator pedal exist nearby "SUROTTORUPOJISHONSENSA" harness connector between dedicated to just wring mounting OK. 一部車種を除き、電源などの別配線も必要ありません。 Except for some car models, such as another power wiring is required. 本体ユニット、コントローラー(表示部)はそれぞれ独立しているため、お好みの場所へ取り付ける事ができま す。 Main unit, each controller (shown) is independent because it is your favorite place to install it. ブリッツ・スロットルコントローラーは、とても簡単に愛車のアクセルレスポンスを向上させることができる、 究極の体感チューニングパーツです。 Blitz throttle controller is a breeze beloved vehicle to improve the response of the accelerator can be the ultimate CHUNINGUPATSU sensible. ・価格/ラインナップ

Price / Lineup

商品名 Product Name (Product Name) (Product Name)     税込価格 Price tax (MSRP w/tax) (MSRP w / tax)     本体価格 Price body (MSRP)     コードNo. No code. (Code No.) (Code No). THROTTLE CONTROLLER THROTTLE CONTROLLER     TRC02D-BA1     ¥39,900 JPY 39,900     ¥38,000 JPY 38,000     14660 TRC04C-BA1     14661 TRC04C-BA1D     14662 TRC04C-BB1     14663 TRC04C-BB1D     14664 TRC05C-BB2 BB2-TRC05C     14665 TRC02D-BC1     14666 TRC08C-BC1     14667 TRC09C-BC2     14668 TRC06C-BC3D     14669 TRC06C-BF1     14670 TRC07C-BF2 BF2-TRC07C     14671 TRC03D-BG1     14672 TRC10C-BG1     14673 TRC06C-BJ1D     14674 TRC08C-BG1D     14675 ・モード解説

Commentary Mode ブリッツ・スロットルコントローラーは、純正の出力特性とは異なる独自のプログラムにより、発進時のアクセ ルレスポンス向上を向上させるモードから、同じアクセル開度でもスロットル開度が約2倍となるスポーティー なモードまで4つのモードを用意し、走行スタイルに合わせて自在にコントロールが可能です。 Blitz throttle controller is a genuine output characteristics are different from its own program and by starting to improve response time to improve the accelerator mode, but the same degree of throttle opening Axel is open to nearly double to four sporty mode ready mode, and adjustable to suit driving style control is possible. セーフティー機能を搭載し、エンジンOFFの度に必ずノーマルへ復帰するため、使用時は任意でスロットルコ ントローラーをONにしなければ作動しません。 Safety features of the engine's degree OFF always return to normal for the time of use is optional throttle controller must work to ON. ご本人以外の家族の方など、不慣れな方が運転しても安心の仕様です。 Please people, including family members other than himself, is unaccustomed to driving specifications reassurance. また、万が一の場合はスイッチをOFFにすることで、リレー回路にて完全に純正状態に復帰する安心設計とな っています。 Also, just in case if the switch is OFF, so that the relay circuit in a state of complete return to genuine peace of mind and design.           アクセル開度が低い領域を重点的にレスポンスアップ させる、「エコノミーモード」です。 Axel open area to a lesser degree of response up to focus on the "economy mode". 発進特性が変わり、アクセルを踏み込むことなく発進 できるため、街乗りを中心とした走行スタイルに適して います。 Changing characteristics takeoff, you can press down on the accelerator without having to launch a ride to the city centre and is suitable for driving style. ※「エコノミー」とは4つのモードの中で比較した際、 ※ "economy" mode 4 in comparison when, 最も燃料消費量を節約しているという表現です。 The fuel consumption to save on the expression.     低速域からアクセル開度に対するスロットル開度の 比率を 一回り大きくさせる「スポーツモード1」です。 Axel slow from the open area ratio degree of throttle opening to round up significantly "Sports Mode 1." もっとも乗りやすく走りやすい、バランスに優れたモードです。 The most easily run ride, a good balance mode.           SP1モードよりも低速・中速域を約2倍の比率でコント ロールする「スポーツモード2」です。 SP1 mode than in the slow-speed zone about twice the rate roll comedy "Sports Mode 2." ワイヤー式スロットルバルブでは到底なしえない レスポンスが体感できます。 - Wire throttle valve is ENAI though no sensible responses.     もっとも過激にレスポンスが向上する仕様の「スポーツモ ード3」です。 The most radical response to improve the specifications of the "sport mode 3". 約半分のアクセル開度でスロットルが全開領域へ入り、 Axel's degree in about half throttle opening is wide open area, and 4モード中一番加速感が体感できるモードです。 4 mode can be sensible in the sense of acceleration mode. ・加速感やレスポンス向上といった体感的なものの感じ方には個人差があります。 And improve response acceleration feel like the sensible thing to a personal sense of difference. ・本商品は最大出力が変化するものではありません。 The maximum output is the product does not change. ・本商品は電子制御スロットルを純正で採用している車両にしか装着できません。 This product is a pure electronic throttle control, which uses only vehicle seating. 詳しくは適合表をご覧下さい。 For more information, please visit the compatibility table.

Translated version of
Old 03-20-2008, 02:28 PM
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I have a good idea where my 2nd check from IRS is going towards >.>
Old 03-25-2008, 01:34 PM
dman77fb's Avatar
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will there be any issues running one of these throttle controllers with fi? i'm assuming that the manufacturers have adjusted fuel levels to accomodate the stock restriction at the tb. if the tb is suddenly able to open more we have more airflow, so does the fuel level get bumped as well? if not, do we get leaned out?

just a concern...
Old 03-25-2008, 02:44 PM
Polish's Avatar
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So basically at any given point our ECU decides to close the throttle some even when I am WOT and it doesn't respond so well at times.

This magic box is supposed to make that go away and the ECU doesn't mind?

Anyone have proof that our throttles close like that?
Old 03-26-2008, 02:11 AM
Chikubi's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Polish
This magic box is supposed to make that go away and the ECU doesn't mind?
To touch on this and the prior post, the ECU could care less -- these controllers are not trying to trick the ECU into doing anything like modifying the fuel/air ratio like a fuel controller et al; all they do is modify the signal from the pedal to the throttle body motor and the positional relation between the two. In other words, where before you had the pedal at 10% and you were getting maybe 12% at the throttle body, now you might get 15 or 18% maybe, or maybe even 8%, depending on the mode. What they do is play with the response curve to make it quicker or slower, or maybe, like for and Eco mode, keep it slower in the early part of the pedal travel and then faster in the later part when you need it, like to get on a highway. No matter what though, the ECU is just seeing the throttle body's TPS sensor like it always does and responds accordingly -- 50% open is 50% open, regardless of where the pedal actually is. Maybe this doesn't make sense until you actually drive with it, but the closest comparison I can think of is for anyone who's ever had an R/C car with a radio that had exponential rates for throttle, etc. Same idea, but for your car. Another comparison would be like changing the cam/cable pully on the throttlebody of a cable setup to a different size shape, but in this case just electronically.

FWIW, the first reviews I read of the Blitz controller where on an EVO X and Colt R, both most definitely FI engines.
Old 03-26-2008, 03:32 AM
claymore's Avatar
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Very nice, simple language, post clearing up some confusion. Good one
Old 03-26-2008, 04:28 AM
Chikubi's Avatar
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Originally Posted by claymore
Very nice, simple language, post clearing up some confusion. Good one
Thanks, we try.
Old 03-26-2008, 08:40 AM
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Ok so I experimented last night and the throttle does indeed do as is pleases. I went WOT and the TPS casually went up with the RPM's. It hit 78 eventually which I could not get it to surpass, is 78 = to 100% throttle on the ScanGauge 2? If not I am only getting 78% throttle, yay...ugh

It pisses me off my car does not go WOT when I ask it to though, the dipshit salesmen never mentioned that.

---OK since the Scangauge stays on for a few seconds when I shut the car off I went WOT with the car off and also got the same 78 on the TPS. Generally it's 0-100 but whatever, guess thats just Honda for you. So I pulled the intake off and looked at the butterfly and it does open all the way. It is also pretty loud when the car is off and you are going on/off the throttle.

Last edited by Polish; 03-26-2008 at 04:38 PM.
Old 04-10-2008, 12:33 AM
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Tagged. Any news about the TB controller to be used in the Fit?
Old 04-10-2008, 02:06 AM
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Somewhat -- Blitz still lists the Fit as under development and Pivot just added a harness for the 2nd gen Fit on 4/3. Trying to find out now if the JDM 2nd gen uses the same pedal as ours. If so, then Pivot may be the way to go.
Old 04-10-2008, 02:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Chikubi
Somewhat -- Blitz still lists the Fit as under development and Pivot just added a harness for the 2nd gen Fit on 4/3. Trying to find out now if the JDM 2nd gen uses the same pedal as ours. If so, then Pivot may be the way to go.
Thats good to know. Some news is better than no news I guess. If it does work on the US Fit, I know what my first mod would be.
Old 04-10-2008, 09:19 PM
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Got a reply back from my friend in Japan -- no luck in finding out if the JDM 2nd gen uses the same pedal or not. He basically said there's no part listing out yet for it in the parts database he has access to, so that's that for now.
Old 04-10-2008, 10:39 PM
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Damn. This would be a great investment for the Fit if it did work. Hopefully soon your friend can find out if it does work for our cars.
Old 04-10-2008, 11:26 PM
cavie187's Avatar
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Now for the part that nobody mentions:

78% may be the equivalent of 100% efficacy. I know with some cars the end result of a throttle controller (tps override) is nothing except the advantage of tuning the response time. It DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN your car will go from 78% to 100% performance.

That being said, it is a great product for several applications, but if you are looking to purchase it for an added 30.74hp save your money.
Old 04-10-2008, 11:30 PM
Spooling's Avatar
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I recently installed ScanGaugeII. and from the Throttle Position readings the throttle is quite high %. After 3kRPM it reads over 50% already. Just something I'd like to share.
Old 04-10-2008, 11:32 PM
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Originally Posted by 1WayFit
I recently installed ScanGaugeII. and from the Throttle Position readings the throttle is quite high %. After 3kRPM it reads over 50% already. Just something I'd like to share.
Have you tried at WOT to see what percentage it opens up?
Old 04-11-2008, 09:08 AM
GAFIT's Avatar
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Originally Posted by cavie187
Now for the part that nobody mentions:

78% may be the equivalent of 100% efficacy. I know with some cars the end result of a throttle controller (tps override) is nothing except the advantage of tuning the response time. It DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN your car will go from 78% to 100% performance.

That being said, it is a great product for several applications, but if you are looking to purchase it for an added 30.74hp save your money.
I agree. I want one for better control/feeling. I'm sure that the stock program opens the throttle enough for max power on a stock car, but what about modified with higher flowing exhuast? Those might see increased power from an increase in throttle.

Quick Reply: Throttle controllers, yea!

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