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Can I get some road respect please?!?

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Old 05-29-2010, 11:07 PM
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wow, I'm glad I live in Cincinnati, I never deal with people INTENTIONALLY cutting me off hahahaha
Old 05-30-2010, 12:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Juliane
^ That technique might really get you shot here. Unless your wife is having twins in your car, NO ONE would honk and flash just to get people to move over.
Yeah, well... a LOT of things will get you shot in a state where the STEREOTYPE is to have a huge honkin pick-up with a shotgun in the rear window and a few more rifles in the truck bed... a .45 (hidden? not) in the back and a mullet on the head.

Did I say too much yet?

Originally Posted by Occam
California's vehicle code defines a headlight flash and brief tap of the horn as the polite way to ask a vehicle to move right.

As far as the "precious cargo," I am indeed more sympathetic to the plight of children. An idiot behind the wheel? He's taking his life into his hands (or her as the case may be). The adult passengers? They have a choice of whether to enter the car. There are certainly drivers with whom I will not ride due to their callous or careless behavior on the road. But kids? They can't help being born to douchebags.

FWIW, the only safe way to handle a tailgater, if pulling over and letting them on by is not an option, is to slow down. You want a larger cushion of space in front of you in case the need for an emergency stop comes up - you must be able to not only stop in time, but do it in a gradual enough fashion that you aren't subsequently rear-ended and sandwiched into the vehicle or obstacle ahead.
About the "precious cargo"... I hadn't really thought about it much... but I suppose that I would agree with you.

Personally, I don't slow down as a "safe" move. I do it to annoy the idiot tailgating me. And believe me... I will CONTINUE to slow down further if you keep it up. I came to a FULL stop on the I-5 around San Clemente because a moron decided to continue to FLASH his headlights and tailgate me. There are THREE other lanes on the road, I was not even in the fast lane OR the lane next to it. I was in the slower lane (second from the right, since there were four lanes)... but I was going close to the speed of traffic when the idiot decided to pull this shit. Most of traffic was going about 75 mph, I was feeling lazy and only going 70 mph. Each time he flashed me, I dropped my speed by 5.

And yes, when I was at a full stop, the rest of the high way was still going full speed.

It boggles my mind, because the ENTIRE time he was speeding up from the distance behind me (I would hazard to guess at least 80-90 mph), the lanes next to him were ALL clear, or at least clear enough that he could've lane changed to pass me... as most sane people would if they were in such a freaking rush.

Some would say that I should've lane changed. Well, I knew there were people that were going to go faster than myself, that is why I wasn't in the two left lanes. The only remaining lane for me was the lane that cars come into and out of for the on/off ramps (which naturally isn't consistent).

Just FYI, if I'm in the left lane of a two lane road, and I see you coming up fast from behind... there's a good chance I'll move to the RIGHT to let you pass. If I'm already on the right, and you are still in my lane, you can then go screw yourself. That's how I drive... whether I'm in (formerly) my 92 hp Mirage or my brother's 300 hp Corvette.

I do not tailgate others to urge them to go faster. Sometimes I honk at them if I think they're being stupid (like swerving or braking every other second). But if you're going slower than I'd like... I'll just pass you when I get the chance. I don't care if another car is going 10-15 mph BELOW speed limit. I might give thought if it posed a danger to those around, but for the most part other drivers can easily get around.

Originally Posted by Cordizzle4life
wow, I'm glad I live in Cincinnati, I never deal with people INTENTIONALLY cutting me off hahahaha
Unfortunately for me, it appears to be a common thing for me. I decided a few years ago, that I MUST have an idiot magnet on me. It doesn't matter where I go or what I do to avoid other drivers, if I'm on the road... somebody is going to pull some stupid move in front of me.

I manage to clip the rear bumper of pickup truck because he decided to run a stop sign. A van crushed my left fender as I was waiting to turn right, because he decided to change his mind about going straight and turn right... yeah, right into me. He was stopped next to me! Cars speed up from behind to cut me off, squeezing between me and the car in front... even though there was plenty of room in front and behind us. I lost a headlight because a chick decided to pull a U-turn as I'm trying to pass her (she pulled over to the side). A car enters the highway and flies across FOUR lanes to cut me off... while going slower than I was. I slammed on my brakes and swerved to avoid her, only to swerve again to avoid slamming into backside of the school bus that was in the next lane. Afterwards, I looked around only to find the rest of the F-ING ROAD WAS CLEAR... idiot did NOT have to risk MY life!

So yeah.... idiot magnet.

I might not obey the speed limits... but I try to drive reasonable. If it looks like I'm one of the faster cars on the road, I'll pop in and out of the left lane as I pass people. If I'm slower, I'll stick to the two right lanes. Sometimes, at a stop, I'll still let you go, even if it's "my turn." I don't tailgate anyone for more than a few seconds. By the time you can consider me tailgating, I'll be lane changing. Unless my exit is coming up FAST or traffic is at a crawl, when I lane change in front of you, I make it a point to see your headlights (in other words, the whole car) in my middle mirror BEFORE I move over. I don't sit next to or directly behind semi-trucks, nor will I box you into such a position. If I'm turning (left) and my turn affects you, I'll turn on my signal asap before my turn. I'm not going to turn it on halfway through my turn, since it's rather useless by then. I'll honk at you if drifting side to side like you're drunk, but I'll keep quiet if you're keeping your lane even if you're slow.

Last edited by Goobers; 05-30-2010 at 12:54 AM.
Old 05-30-2010, 12:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Goobers
Yeah, well... a LOT of things will get you shot in a state where the STEREOTYPE is to have a huge honkin pick-up with a shotgun in the rear window and a few more rifles in the truck bed... a .45 (hidden? not) in the back and a mullet on the head.

Did I say too much yet?

About the "precious cargo"... I hadn't really thought about it much... but I suppose that I would agree with you.

Personally, I don't slow down as a "safe" move. I do it to annoy the idiot tailgating me. And believe me... I will CONTINUE to slow down further if you keep it up. I came to a FULL stop on the I-5 around San Clemente because a moron decided to continue to FLASH his headlights and tailgate me. There are THREE other lanes on the road, I was not even in the fast lane OR the lane next to it. I was in the slower lane (second from the right, since there were four lanes)... but I was going close to the speed of traffic when the idiot decided to pull this shit. Most of traffic was going about 75 mph, I was feeling lazy and only going 70 mph. Each time he flashed me, I dropped my speed by 5.

And yes, when I was at a full stop, the rest of the high way was still going full speed.

It boggles my mind, because the ENTIRE time he was speeding up from the distance behind me (I would hazard to guess at least 80-90 mph), the lanes next to him were ALL clear, or at least clear enough that he could've lane changed to pass me... as most sane people would if they were in such a freaking rush.

Some would say that I should've lane changed. Well, I knew there were people that were going to go faster than myself, that is why I wasn't in the two left lanes. The only remaining lane for me was the lane that cars come into and out of for the on/off ramps (which naturally isn't consistent).

Just FYI, if I'm in the left lane of a two lane road, and I see you coming up fast from behind... there's a good chance I'll move to the RIGHT to let you pass. If I'm already on the right, and you are still in my lane, you can then go screw yourself. That's how I drive... whether I'm in (formerly) my 92 hp Mirage or my brother's 300 hp Corvette.

I do not tailgate others to urge them to go faster. Sometimes I honk at them if I think they're being stupid (like swerving or braking every other second). But if you're going slower than I'd like... I'll just pass you when I get the chance. I don't care if another car is going 10-15 mph BELOW speed limit. I might give thought if it posed a danger to those around, but for the most part other drivers can easily get around.

Unfortunately for me, it appears to be a common thing for me. I decided a few years ago, that I MUST have an idiot magnet on me. It doesn't matter where I go or what I do to avoid other drivers, if I'm on the road... somebody is going to pull some stupid move in front of me.

I manage to clip the rear bumper of pickup truck because he decided to run a stop sign. A van crushed my left fender as I was waiting to turn right, because he decided to change his mind about going straight and turn right... yeah, right into me. He was stopped next to me! Cars speed up from behind to cut me off, squeezing between me and the car in front... even though there was plenty of room in front and behind us. I lost a headlight because a chick decided to pull a U-turn as I'm trying to pass her (she pulled over to the side). A car enters the highway and flies across FOUR lanes to cut me off... while going slower than I was. I slammed on my brakes and swerved to avoid her, only to swerve again to avoid slamming into backside of the school bus that was in the next lane. Afterwards, I looked around only to find the rest of the F-ING ROAD WAS CLEAR... idiot did NOT have to risk MY life!

So yeah.... idiot magnet.
And you call the guy tailgating you an idiot. I hope you wise up before you're dead.
Old 05-30-2010, 01:09 AM
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Originally Posted by whaap
And you call the guy tailgating you an idiot. I hope you wise up before you're dead.
I'm not saying that coming to a stop like that was a smart move. I do admit it wasn't. So far, it was the only time I came to a stop. I hope that I never do that again.

But the few times I've slowed down, people will pull out from behind me once I slow down to speed limit. And those times have only been done with relatively clear roads (so that they can move). If by some bizarre chance I was going under speed limit BEFORE you start tailgating me, I'll move over (if possible).

But if you continue to flash and honk at me, tailgating me while I'm going over speed limit WITH the flow of traffic, AND the lanes are clear for you to EASILY lane change into... I WILL do the EXACT SAME THING.

In terms of the action itself, it was a gradual slowdown, so it's no different than a car breaking down on the road. I didn't come screeching to a halt.

edit: not that this matters... but the moment (s)he went around me... that driver started flashing/honking the NEXT car it pulled up behind, instead of just lane changing. which, unfortunately, only made me feel justified.

Last edited by Goobers; 05-30-2010 at 01:20 AM.
Old 05-30-2010, 04:10 AM
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Originally Posted by cmj912
I noticed the OP is from Boston, about 40 miles north of Providence, where I live...and I have to say I notice the very same behavior in other drivers.

When I'm driving down the street where the speed limit is say, 35, and I'm watching someone gauge the distance between my car and hitting them if they pull out in front of me, 99% of the time they try to make it. I feel like this is pretty endemic in New England. People try to 'make the light', get out in front of you, go around you on the illegal side to pass when you're stopped waiting to make a turn, etc.

Thank you! Exactly what I was talking about. This happens to me way more in my Fit than in other cars I drive. I don't usually have a problem on the highway, there's more room to maneuver (if you're lucky). It's the two lane roads that I have more problems with. (Massholes!)

And for Specboy, I certainly will keep away from any TW fits in Vermont. Calling 911 because someone blows grass in the road? I wouldn't want you to try and get the cops after me because I ran a yellow light or something. I'm sure the police up there are real happy they have you on their side. Oh wait, I've seen Super Troopers...meow!
Old 05-30-2010, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by McGurk
Thank you! Exactly what I was talking about. This happens to me way more in my Fit than in other cars I drive. I don't usually have a problem on the highway, there's more room to maneuver (if you're lucky). It's the two lane roads that I have more problems with. (Massholes!)

And for Specboy, I certainly will keep away from any TW fits in Vermont. Calling 911 because someone blows grass in the road? I wouldn't want you to try and get the cops after me because I ran a yellow light or something. I'm sure the police up there are real happy they have you on their side. Oh wait, I've seen Super Troopers...meow!
Don't get me going... I'm Freakin out Man!...

You are Freakin out.... Man!

Oh sh!t ... I work for Farva (sp)... that movie rules (Really, people refer to my boss as Farva)

As a point of reference, the grass where I did call; On a sharp blind corner (turn to the right) over a slight rise, with a sudden drop as you enter the corner... Many people are taken aback by it but not until after they've entered the corner (usually too fast). Asshole lives on the inside corner of that turn, just as you drop down into the corner - adding fresh cut wet grass increases the chance greatly that you'll slide into oncoming traffic. Having him blow his grass out into the road because he's ignorant doesn't mean that some unsuspecting individual (mother, Father, Son, Daughter - all are precious you know) hould have to suffer the consequences.

From my point of view, if you are going to be a dick, and be unsafe/cause unsafe conditions, I'll call on you. Too many ignorant morons have a driver's license. I enjoy a spirited drive and love the fact that you can legally pass on a double yellow here in VT (certain conditions apply). I just drive safely. They say Speed is the number one reason for accidents... Wrong! stupidity is the number one reason for accidents. (and in my opinion, that means not being far enough back to be able to adequately stop.)

Old 05-30-2010, 09:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Goobers
Yeah, well... a LOT of things will get you shot in a state where the STEREOTYPE is to have a huge honkin pick-up with a shotgun in the rear window and a few more rifles in the truck bed... a .45 (hidden? not) in the back and a mullet on the head.

Did I say too much yet?
Yep, I think so!

The whole state does not consist of pick-ups and since we have to conceal-carry, ain't no shotguns in the back window. And mullets? no.

But people here are wound just as tight as a two-dollar watch...Well, almost everywhere nowdays. We have a road code and that doesn't include flashing unless there really IS an emergency. If you tailgate me, I will move over if I can and let you by. There just isn't any reason to get into an altercation with people. I value my life more than that.
Old 05-30-2010, 09:05 PM
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Originally Posted by McGurk
Thank you! Exactly what I was talking about. This happens to me way more in my Fit than in other cars I drive. I don't usually have a problem on the highway, there's more room to maneuver (if you're lucky). It's the two lane roads that I have more problems with. (Massholes!)

And for Specboy, I certainly will keep away from any TW fits in Vermont. Calling 911 because someone blows grass in the road? I wouldn't want you to try and get the cops after me because I ran a yellow light or something. I'm sure the police up there are real happy they have you on their side. Oh wait, I've seen Super Troopers...meow!
I like your peep accident avatar.
Old 05-31-2010, 12:45 AM
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What I noticed during my few years of driving is that a lot of people are really careless about their driving practices; especially the younger drivers. It didn't matter if I was in my GD, my uncle's E60, or my aunt's Ridgeline; the people here will ride your tail in a heartbeat even if you're going 10 over in the slow lane and thats in the rural areas. In the city, there are drivers that hog one lane and create rolling road blocks and drivers that constantly shadow (stay in the next lane to you) and keep a pace to were they are either right beside you or in your blind spot all the time as well as the tailgaters.

But back to the younger drivers for a second, one thing that I noticed while going to high school and college is that lots of people hop in their car, jump straight on the cell phone to talk or text, and speed out the lot. It is absolutely ridiculous on the amount of accidents that I've seen at the high school because people were fiddling with a cell phone and end up creeping into a stopped car or cutting off traffic. And at the college, there are of course the cell addicts along with people doing 20+ in the parking lot (limit 10 MPH), 30+ on the entrance roads (limit 20 MPH).

Now, I am a fairly relaxed driver; usually driving the limit, sometimes 5 over, unless I'm in traffic then I drive with the flow of it. I drive in the primary in the right lane and only use the left only to pass, it is very seldom that I tailgate or high beam people to tell them to get out of the way.

Driving the E60 or Ridgeline in rural areas, it seems as if traffic either isn't as congested and the cars that are there just pass by doing a little over the limit or hanging back a good distance, usually about 2-3 car links behind, basically in a very loose pack. In the city, traffic of course tailgates and keep a closer distance, but its just enough to were if something happens you could stop/swerve in time. Whenever I'm in the Fit, its pretty similar expect the drivers seem a tad more aggressive and/or careless. In the same rural places, traffic still passes by at the same speeds however, people are following behind me at closer distances than when driving the other two vehicles. Driving in the city, I'm more often getting boxed in by closer groups of traffic but tailgating is just the same though.
Old 05-31-2010, 04:35 AM
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I just hate when people mistake my safe following distance as a place to cut me off. I'll pace the car in front of me with a good 2-3 second gap and eveyone will cut me off like I'm going slow even though I am pacing the car in front of me. Pisses me off all to hell because then I have to disengage cruise control, back off, find the sweet spot, and reengage cruise control.
Old 05-31-2010, 08:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Lyon[Nightroad]
I just hate when people mistake my safe following distance as a place to cut me off. I'll pace the car in front of me with a good 2-3 second gap and eveyone will cut me off like I'm going slow even though I am pacing the car in front of me. Pisses me off all to hell because then I have to disengage cruise control, back off, find the sweet spot, and reengage cruise control.
In those type of traffic conditions try not using cruise control. Makes it a lot easier. Maybe things will be less of a hassle for you.
Old 05-31-2010, 08:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Lyon[Nightroad]
I just hate when people mistake my safe following distance as a place to cut me off. I'll pace the car in front of me with a good 2-3 second gap and eveyone will cut me off like I'm going slow even though I am pacing the car in front of me. Pisses me off all to hell because then I have to disengage cruise control, back off, find the sweet spot, and reengage cruise control.
There was one time that a trucker saved my life by keeping his rig at a constant speed...I was able to get right up on his bumper and stick there, preventing a nutjob who had been chasing me all over the highway from getting in between and cutting me off. The guy finally dropped back and gave up, and I have sent a prayer out to all JB Hunt drivers when I see the trucks ever since...

If that trucker had put his brakes on, I'd have been in trouble, but thank God we were on fairly open road...I'm sure he knew I was there, and maybe he saw some of the drama with the guy who was after me...I'd have thanked him but eventually I had to pull over to recover my composure, once I knew my chaser was really gone.
Old 05-31-2010, 07:42 PM
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Originally Posted by McGurk
So I don't drive around like my heads on fire (...most of the time ), but I certainly don't belong in the right lane either. I just wish I could get just a little bit more road respect in my Fit. Everyday it seems like people are cutting me off or pulling out in front of me like they expect me to be going 5 mph under the speed limit on my way to bingo. I drive many kinds of vehicles as part of my job, and there definitely is a difference in the way I am treated when I'm in my Fit. Maybe if I put a big set of bull horns on my hood or maybe a giant skull and crossbones. My wife thinks a bazooka mounted on the roof with a set of big-rig airhorns would do the job. I love my Fit, but I hate the respect it gets. We're in the Rodney Dangerfields of the road.
My sentiments exactly sir. I get that kind of behavior a lot.

Here in the Philippines, it's compounded by the willingness of motorbike riders to cut in front of my GD, and/or hide in its blind spots. I'm not exactly a slow driver, mind you.

At least you have other vehicles to take as part of your job - my GD Jazz is my one and only ride.

That said, louder horns are a godsend, as the stock ones are truly pathetic. No need for big-rig air horns, even a twintone set of small but loud electropneumatics is enough.
Old 05-31-2010, 09:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Type 100
My sentiments exactly sir. I get that kind of behavior a lot.

Here in the Philippines, it's compounded by the willingness of motorbike riders to cut in front of my GD, and/or hide in its blind spots. I'm not exactly a slow driver, mind you.

At least you have other vehicles to take as part of your job - my GD Jazz is my one and only ride.

That said, louder horns are a godsend, as the stock ones are truly pathetic. No need for big-rig air horns, even a twintone set of small but loud electropneumatics is enough.
I nearly took out a girl today....I had my signal on, had checked my mirrors to make sure no one was in the lane I was changing to...started to move over and caught a flash of something out of the corner of my eye...then I lost it again...I went into the lane and there was a girl on a small motorcycle who had been coming up fast to cut around me! I could have easily hit her without ever seeing her! What a dipshit...she kept going once she got around me and cut around 2 other cars the same way! Probably had a couple of drinks or was just plain stupid. Doing that when you have NOTHING to protect you is just crazy.

Motorcycle riders really scare me.

Old 06-01-2010, 04:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Juliane
Motorcycle riders really scare me.

Oh yes they do, same here.

Most of the riders here use "underbones" - small-displacement mopeds or scooters. They're usually the vicious lane-cutters with a death wish, from my observation. Folks with larger bikes, I've observed, usually are more predictable and gentle with their movements - but they're hopelessly outnumbered by the underbone-riding crowd.

And so chaos ensues...

They seem to love cutting Fits/Jazzes in particular because we think we see the front ends of our cars, but we actually leave about 4-6 inches of clean air between us and the cars in front.

Last edited by Type 100; 06-01-2010 at 04:18 AM.
Old 06-01-2010, 12:10 PM
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Yesterday, I got cut off twice, on the expressway doing 70 on the right lane, this jerk must have being doing 90 and found a hole right in front of me, all I saw was a blur on my left mirror, i swear if I hadn't moved over, he would have hit my car. Then later driving on the road on the right lane doing 45, this pickup truck changed lanes with very little space. I was commenting to my wife that people don't respect the Fit.
Old 06-01-2010, 01:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Juliane
^ That technique might really get you shot here. Unless your wife is having twins in your car, NO ONE would honk and flash just to get people to move over.
I seriously think that if you did that here (flash and honk to pass) you would end up on the 6 o'clock news as the subject of a new series on road-rage altercations. What I see most people doing if they get a highbeam flash here is flip the person off behind them and slow down.

Someone else mentioned I should slow down or move over. What I meant was that I definitely get out of the right lane on the highway if I am not the fastest car, and I certainly don't ever tailgate if I can possibly avoid it. I meant the other situation: where I am driving down a road in one direction and someone wants to pull out across traffic or ahead of me.

Which reminds me: that's another thing people do here. There is a break in traffic in one direction and no one will let them cross both lanes, so they pull out into the empty one and block it until someone lets them go. The other drivers all know that they've done this, so they don't let him or her in. They really need to pass that 'gridlock' law here.

But as for the original topic: does the Fit cause you to lose road respect from other drivers, I do think that at least in certain places yes it certainly does.
Old 06-01-2010, 01:31 PM
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last week a new BMW 335i was swerving all over the damn freeway i think with no passenger trying to "Beat the traffic" and suddenly he cuts me off while I was in the carpool and all the yellow lanes were up.... I was so pissed. I turned on my HIDs with the high beam, let it warm up, then started flashing him. After about a minute, he slammed on his brakes, got out of the carpool lane illegally again and started cutting off traffic AGAIN.... Will people ever learn....
Old 06-01-2010, 01:43 PM
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I just try to say a prayer for that person, knowing that eventually, there is a wreck in his future, and it could involve other innocent people. Sometimes, if I'm really pissed off, I pray for a police officer to be behind him soon, and a whopping big points-off ticket, but usually I can just pray for his/her safety and peace of mind...
Old 06-01-2010, 02:11 PM
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Originally Posted by specboy
Not to hop in on the right/wrong of this but... I was math major and I gotta correct this... 1/4 mile (as I'm sure you are exaggerating) would be about 12-15 seconds back from the person in front of you. 2 seconds back is about 175' at 60mph.
Edmunds claimed the 60 - 0 stopping distance in a Fit was 134 feet. If you're 2 seconds back at 60 MPH and the car in front of you starts to go to a dead stop, you basically have less than half a second to react.

Quick Reply: Can I get some road respect please?!?

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